Influence the development of this phenomenon

Classified in Music

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1. What circumstances make the development of art and culture possible during the Renaissance?
*Economic prosperity came after epidemics and famines in Middle Age had finished.New social class arise that demands culture, art and music: wealthy merchants (bourgeoisie) become patrons of the art, apart from the nobility and the clergy

*Birth of humanism, which is a mindset that promotes the development of art (not only religious art like before) to cater for human needs.

*Wisdom of the Antiquity was highly spread (those have stressed stuff related to human being)

*Print press invention and travels around the world (that lead to the arrival in America included) ease the expansion.

2. How could humanism influence renaissance music?

*Diffusion of the knowledge affects to the music too, helped by the print press (as well it happens about new ideas, devices and other arts)

*Development of secular and instrumental music that is aimed at human pleasure and express ideas to provide the growing demand of the bourgeoisie

*Changes and new genres in the religious music, looking for religious identify or more simplicity in the polyphony to be closer to the believers

3.What functions did music play in the society of this period?

a) Sacred music: at the service of divine and religious powers. When the unity of the Church is broken, it becomes a means of spreading the faith of the different cults: Lutheran, Anglican and Catholic

b) Secular music: music was required for entertainment and dance. Also, the literati and philosophers used it to express their ideas and the powerful classes and authoritarian monarchies, to demonstrate their wealth

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