Impressionism to Electronic Music: Evolution of 20th Century Music

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The Impressionists sought to create evocative atmospheres and impressions through the use of harmonies and new combinations of timbres. Claude Debussy composed pieces like The Sea and Clouds. Maurice Ravel, combining the magical sounds obtained from instruments, wrote Bolero for orchestra.

Atonal Music

Atonal is a form of composition based on the free choice of notes and chords. Arnold Schoenberg composed music getting away from the rules of tonality.

Twelve-tone Music

Twelve-tone composition uses a twelve-tone chromatic scale freely, but without repeating any note until all others have been heard.

Igor Stravinsky

Igor Stravinsky began composing music for Diaghilev's Ballets Russes. He composed The Rite of Spring, which premiered in Paris in 1913.

Post-World War II Music

After the Second World War, the European scene was devastating in all aspects. Composers and performers had the task of creating new musical works that would contribute to the reconstruction of culture. Oliver Messiaen taught new French musical styles to composers like Boulez, Nono, and Stockhausen.


Serialism involves creating series with intensities and durations.

John Cage's Innovative Techniques

John Cage used various innovative resources, such as:

  • Allowing musicians to play notes freely.
  • Suggesting ideas through drawings.
  • Composing silent parts.
  • Using radios turned on as sources of sound rather than instruments.
  • Writing cards with fragments of music that are then shuffled.

Concrete Music

By 1948, Pierre Schaeffer and Pierre Henry recorded on magnetic tape all kinds of noises with different objects, creating what they called concrete music.

Electronic Music

Electronic music is music produced by sounds generated through electronics. Edgard Varèse wrote Arcana for orchestra and an electronic poem.

The Flute

The flute appeared in the West in the twelfth century. It was used by minstrels and troubadours. It constitutes a family: soprano, sopranino, alto, tenor, bass, and contrabass.

  • It consists of two coupled parts, which separate slightly for tuning.
  • It is played by covering and uncovering the holes located along the tube.

Harmonica Types

  • Diatonic: Tuned according to a given scale.
  • Chromatic: A double harmonica with holes for natural notes and another for altered notes, allowing it to be played in any key.

Woodwind Instruments

Woodwind is a group of instruments whose name comes from when they were built with wood. Their mouthpieces are different.

  • Fagot: Double-reed mouthpiece. It is constructed with maple.
  • Clarinet: Has a single reed.
  • Flute: Played by blowing on a bevel.
  • Saxophone: Built by Adolph Sax. Sizes include soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone.
  • Oboe: An instrument that comes from the Renaissance shawm. Double reed.

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