The Impact of Tourism: Balancing Exploration with Conservation

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Travel and Tourism Keywords

Travel agent, peak season, downside, destination, wildlife conservation, stunning, habitat, tour operator, policy, waste, range, flora and fauna, carbon footprints, biodiversity, fragile environment, pollute, under threat, increasing in popularity, itinerary, on the rise, ecotourism, endangered species, last-remaining, facing a crisis, dedicated, passengers, ecological damage, wilderness, landscape, raising animals, crops, campsites, off the beaten track, self-catering, Youth hostels, board and lodging, backpackers, go on a trek, vacate rooms

Commonly Misspelled Words

impact-, accounts-, devoted-, classified-, -particular, equal-, (to, in, on, for, as)

Travel-Related Vocabulary

settle, dish, at dawn, merely, on the move, warm, adequate, annual, typical, vast, critical, split hairs, hair stand on end, let your hair down, get in your hair, not turn a hair, make up with, make out, make do with, make for, make of

Modal Verbs in English

Expressing Necessity

Necessity: have to / must

Expressing Permission

Permission: can / could / may

Making Polite Requests

Polite request: could / would

Giving Advice

Advice: ought to / should

Indicating Ability

Ability: can / able to

Expressing Prohibition

Prohibition: Mustn't

Indicating Lack of Necessity

Lack of necessity: needn't / don't have to

Making Suggestions

Suggestion: shall

Expressing Refusal

Refusal: wouldn't

Expressing Certainty

Certainty: must

Expressing Future Possibility

Future possibility: might / may

Expressing Impossibility

Impossibility: can't

English Verb Tenses

Present Continuous vs. Present Perfect Simple

Present Continuous: verb + -ing

Present Perfect Simple: have/has + past participle

Example: is being verb (3rd column), has been past participle

Present Perfect Continuous vs. Past Continuous

Present Perfect Continuous: have/has + been + -ing

Past Continuous: was/were + -ing

Example: was being + -ed

Past Perfect Simple vs. Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Simple: had + past participle (2nd column)

Past Perfect Continuous: had been + verb + -ing

Example: had been verb (3rd column)

Used To vs. Would

Used to/Would: Past habits or actions that happened regularly in the past.

Future Simple vs. Future Continuous

Future Simple: will + simple verb

Future Continuous: will be + verb + -ing

Future Continuous: be + going to + simple verb / To be + 'going to be + verb + -ing

Future Perfect Simple

Future Perfect Simple: will + have + verb (3rd column)

Future Perfect Simple: to be + going to have + verb (3rd column)

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