The Impact of Human Activities on Water Pollution and Endangered Species

Posted by vetrox and classified in Medicine & Health

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Water Pollution

Water pollution is a modification of water, usually caused by human beings, which makes it improper or dangerous for human consumption, industry, agriculture, fishing, and recreational activities, as well as for animals. Although water pollution can come from natural sources, such as the ash from a volcano, most of today's pollution comes from human activities.

Endangered Species

Unfortunately, there are many species that today are at risk of extinction. Many of them, due to the action of man and global climate change, which is also an indirect effect of the activities of the human being. Some of them are already condemned to disappear a few years from now, and although there are many organizations that work to preserve them, they still suffer every day.

Nicotine Addiction

Nicotine is a natural poison and produces the smoker's addiction to tobacco. It causes increased blood pressure and heartbeat; in the morning, it stimulates the large intestine; decreases appetite, lowers skin temperature, and reduces blood circulation in legs and arms.

Personal Hygiene

The daily bath is a fundamental part of the personal hygiene of anyone regardless of their age; that is why such practice should be ensured as a mandatory routine. The bath serves to eliminate dead cells, as well as secretions of the sebaceous and sweat glands. And so do not stink for when your girlfriend visits you.

Benefits of Having a Pet

The importance of having a pet for the elderly. It is not new that the presence of a pet in the home has multiple benefits. Their presence reduces stress levels and contributes to developing a sense of responsibility, among other things. You can also distract with them in free time.

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