The Impact of Fast Food on Teenagers' Health

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Are the Students Eating Healthy by Consuming Fast Food?

Teenagers love fast food but usually they consume it without knowing the risk fast food involves to their body. Children enjoy the flavour and tastiness of fast food whereas they forget what they are truly bringing into them. Therefore, how bad is fast food for us? And how can we stop from consuming it?

Fast food is made in food factories, hence they are highly processed food which means that they are not made naturally. Instead they contain dangerous additives and unhealthy fats that could harm our body. Clearly, people whose diet is mainly based on fast food are expected to live a shorter life.

Undoubtedly, if we can modify teenagers' eating habits, we could prevent them from the consequences of consuming fast food. We could tell them the effects and luckily, some of them would change their mind. However, for those who might not be persuaded enough, it can be used an old method by their parents, which will definitely work: the “you won’t eat fast food under my roof” method.

To sum up, in order to change teenagers’ bad eating habits we have to persuade them to stop consuming fast food. Personally, I think fast food is a big issue among children and I believe we have to take action as soon as possible to avoid the dreadful outcome.

How to Avoid Obesity

Lately, obesity has been called an “important issue to teenagers”. The increasing consum of fast food has made children become obese. What many people are not aware of is the multiple risks of the disease. Thus, how can we be prevented from having obesity?

First of all, obesity is known for being related to other diseases such as hypertension, hipercholesterolemia, diabetes, … Therefore is not just a bigger amount of fat in your body. And surely those who have obesity feel more tired due to the great amount of fat that they have to carry on.

Secondly, we, as concerned citizens, should try to prevent having obesity. Eating healthier is definitely one thing to do in order to prevent obesity. Naturally, those who eat healthier will have a smaller chance to obtain obesity. Besides a healthy diet, another thing to do might be doing exercise. Simply by doing some everyday you’ll reduce the odds of having obesity.

To sum up, obesity is a great trouble within our teenagers and to their health. Honestly, I think obesity has to be taken seriously, and we should do things (exercise and healthy diet) in order to avoid it.

The More the Exercise, the Bigger the Relief

Exercise has become a daily activity in our life. And many times we have been told that exercise is good for our health. But how can it be good when we are stressed for an exam?

Exercise is a necessary activity that we must include in our schedule. It provides us many hormones that are vital for our system. Endorphins are produced by exercise, for example. This type of hormones are the ones in charge of reducing stress and pain. Thus, exercise should be necessary even during exam time.

Moreover, exercise is an important activity that must be included in our lives because it is a fat burner. Simply by doing exercise you can reduce the chance from diseases such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, hipercholesterolemia, … Therefore exercise is vital for our health

To sum up, exercise is an activity that should be done every day because of its advantages. And honestly, I believe we have to do exercise even during exam time.

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