Ideologies Regarding the Implementation of Foreign Language Policy in Chile: A Case Study

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Munoz, Thesis

1) Ideologies Regarding the Implementation of Foreign language Policy in Chile: a Case Study.

2) Year: 2010.

Valeria Muñoz

The Policy declared by the Chilean government regarding the incorporation of English language to primary school up to secondary education.

57 students from fourth year of high school were surveyed, interviewed and observed, as well as two English teachers.

Pre service teachers and teacher of English.

The survey conducted to students provided quantitative data, whereas interviews and class observation gave qualitative information.

McKay, International Language

1) Teaching English as an International Language: the Chilean context.

2) Year: 2003.

Sandra McKay

a) The Chilean English teaching context

b) The teacher questionnaire.

c) The cultural content of ELT materials.

d) The use of communicative language teaching methods.

e) The role of Chilean teachers of English.

The researchers examined many teachers, concluding their strengths and weaknesses.

In-service teachers of English.

a) In private language institutes, in particular, administrators often believe that having native English speakers as teachers makes their program more desirable. One repercussion of this situation is that local bilingual English teachers may feel they are not as competent. Fortunately, some bilingual teachers of English (see, for example, Medgyes 1992) are challenging this notion.

b) By and large, Chilean teachers of English appear to recognize their strengths as teachers.

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