Identifying Musical Periods Through Orchestral Analysis
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Analyzing Orchestral Music to Determine its Period
A) Romantic or 20th Century Orchestra
Conclusion (Style and Period): Considering the large size of the symphony orchestra, the wide variety of instruments in the woodwind, brass, and percussion sections, the important role of the brass, and the gradual dynamic changes using a massive range of dynamics, we can conclude that this music is likely from the Romantic (19th century) or 20th century.
B) Baroque Orchestra
Orchestra and Instruments: This piece is performed by a small string chamber orchestra that includes a harpsichord.
Texture: The texture is mainly polyphonic, with several melodic lines sounding simultaneously, accompanied by a basso continuo part. This is a characteristic element of the Baroque texture, made up of a bass line and chords played on the harpsichord, as well as on the cellos and double bass.
Dynamics: There are not many significant changes in dynamics, just a few variations based on small intensity contrasts.
Conclusion (Style and Period): We can conclude that it is a Baroque style due to the string chamber orchestra that includes a harpsichord, a very common instrument in Baroque music, as well as the use of the basso continuo. The Baroque period spans the 17th century and the first half of the 18th century.
C) Classical Orchestra
Orchestra and Instruments: In this piece, there is a solo piano accompanied by a quite small symphony orchestra. In the brass section, there are just French horns, and there is no percussion. The strings and the piano play the most important parts.
Texture: The texture is mainly homophonic, with one main melodic line. The other parts are basically an accompaniment or secondary melodic lines.
Dynamics: The composer uses many gradual dynamic changes such as crescendo and decrescendo, and contrasts, but with a limited range of intensities (pp up to ff).
Conclusion (Style and Period): This music is from the Classical period because the symphony orchestra is quite small, the strings play the most important parts, the texture is homophonic with no continuo part, and the gradual dynamic changes use a small range of dynamics (second half of the 18th century up to the first quarter of the 19th century).