Human Body Features, Professions, and Life Stages in Spanish and English
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Human Body Features: Spanish & English
- Bloated face: hinchada
- Freckles: pecas
- Wrinkles: arrugas
- Cherubic face: cara bonita de niño
- Chubby/Podgy face: cara gordita
- Chubby-cheeked: mofletes gorditos
- Weather-beaten face: estropeada por el clima
- Blackheads: puntos negros
- Moles: lunar
- Warts: berruga
- Hollow cheeks/Dimples: hoyuelos
- Lopsided nose: torcida
- Conk: narizón
- Hazel: color avellana
- Black eye: ojo morado
- Crossed-eyed: bizca
- Bulging eyes: saltones
- Stye: orzuelo
- Sunken eyes: hundidos
- Swollen eyes (with bags): con bolsas debajo de los ojos
- Harelip: labio leporino
- Chapped lips: agrietados
- Buckteeth: dientes de conejo
- Wisdom teeth: muelas del juicio
- Auburn: caoba
- Lock of hair: mechón
- Shock of hair: mata de pelo
- Fringe: flequillo
- Parting: raya
- Plaits: trenzas
- Bunches: coletas
- Lank hair: lacio
- Dull hair: sin brillo
- Split ends: puntas abiertas
- Sideburns: patillas
Relationships & Marriage
Wedding Party
- Bride/fiancée: novia
- Groom/fiancé: novio
- Clergyman: cura
- Best man: padrino
- Bridesmaids: damas de honor
Verbs Related to Eating
- Bite: to tear, cut, or grip food with teeth
- Chew: to work food between jaws and teeth
- Digest: what happens to food after it is swallowed
- Feast: eat a lot or enjoy eating something
- Goble: to eat or swallow food too quickly and in large amounts
- Guzzle: to eat food greedily
- Ingest: to take food into the body
- Lick: to pass the tongue over food to taste it
- Munch: to chew food steadily, especially with a crunchy noise
- Nibble: to take small repeated bites of food
- Snack: to eat a light meal
- Swallow: the act of passing food from mouth to stomach
- Taste: to take a small amount of food in the mouth and taste it
- Wolf: to eat quickly
Jobs and Professions: Spanish & English
- Locksmith: cerrajero
- Dustman: basurero
- Consultant: asesor
- Salesman: vendedor
- Watchmaker: relojero
- Sales department: ventas
- Butcher: carnicero
- Ambassador: embajador
- Lawyer: abogado
- Caretaker: conserje
- Customs officer: oficial de aduana
- Nun: monja
- Monk: monje
- Priest: cura
- Typist: mecanógrafo
- Bookseller: vendedor de libros
- Laborer: obrero
- Foreman: supervisor de los trabajadores
- Jockey: jinete
- Docker: estibador
- Chiropodist: podólogo
Death & Related Vocabulary
- Widow: viuda
- Widower: viudo
- Will: testamento
- Undertaker: enterrador
- Funeral: funeral
- Starve: pasar hambre
- Choke: asfixiar
- Burn: quemar
- Bleed: sangrar
- Drown: ahogar
- Freeze: congelar
- Gravestone: lápida
- Grave: tumba
- Hearse: coche fúnebre
- Crematorium: crematorio
- Coffin: ataúd
- Mourners: familiares dolidos
- Wreath: corona de flores
Personality Traits: English & Synonyms
- Clumsy: bungling
- Hard-working: diligent, industrious
- Versatile: competent
- Irresponsible: obstinate, stubborn, pig-headed, obsessed
- Impartial: fair-minded, open-minded, tolerant, broad-minded
- Reliable: trustworthy, credible, faithful, loyal
- Unreliable: poco fiable
- Polite: courteous, respectful
- Rude: impolite, brusque, curt, abrupt, blunt, aggressive