A History of Western Music: From Ancient Greece to Romanticism

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Ancient Greece

Music, Poetry, Dance

MII (Musical Instruments): lyre & aulos

Middle Ages

Religious Music

  • Gregorian Chant: Developed by Pope Gregory, destined for the liturgy.

Secular Music

  • Troubadours (11th Century, France):
  • Cantigas (Alfonso X, "Estrela do dia", Spain):


Protestant Reformation

  • Chorale (1510): Simple composition based on popular melodies.

English Reformation

  • Anthem (1534): Similar to the motet.

Counter Reformation

  • Motet: Religious polyphony, brief, "not to please the ear but to link their souls to God".
  • Mass: Compound musical form (all the pieces of the liturgy).

MIC (Main Important Composers)

  • Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
  • Orlando di Lasso
  • Cristóbal de Morales
  • Tomás Luis de Victoria

Secular Music

  • Italy: Madrigal: Compound polyphonic texture, tries to reflect the meaning of the text. MIC: Orlando di Lasso & Claudio Monteverdi
  • France: Chanson: Polyphonic texture with instrumental accompaniment. MIC: Josquin des Prez & Clement Janequin
  • Spain: Romance, Villancico, Ensalada: MIC: Juan del Enzina, Francisco de Peñalosa, & Juan Vázquez


Secular Music

  • Opera: Appeared in the 1st great opera, "L'Orfeo" by Claudio Monteverdi (1600). Types:
    • Opera Seria: Mythological and heroic topics written in Italian. MIC: Handel & Alessandro Scarlatti
    • Opera Buffa: Daily life with characters closer to the audience.

Religious Music

  • Cantata: Compound form written for orchestra, choir, and soloists, formed by a sequence of recitatives and arias. MIC: Bach
  • Oratorio: Same as the cantata but longer. MIC: Handel
  • Passion: Oratorio about the death of Christ. MIC: Bach

Instrumental Music

  • Sonata: Compound form divided into four sections with different textures and rhythms.
  • Concerto: Compound form made up of a sequence of contrasting movements.


  • Opera: Destined to a new bourgeois audience, opera buffa became more important.
  • Symphony: Compound instrumental form intended for a whole orchestra.
  • Trio, Quartet, Quintet...: Chamber ensembles.


  • Concerto: Schumann & Tchaikovsky
  • Symphony: Schubert, program music (form based on the description of a plot). Types:
    • Program Symphony: Compound instrumental form divided into several movements.
    • Symphonic Poem: Orchestral composition in just one movement.

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