Gulliver's Travels Among the Houyhnhnms

Classified in Latin

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Part IV: A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms

1. Arrival and First Encounters

After being abandoned by pirates, Gulliver encounters a race of hideous, deformed, and savage humanoid creatures called Yahoos, towards whom he feels a strong aversion. Soon after, he meets the Houyhnhnms, a race of intelligent horses who rule over the Yahoos.

2. The Nature of Houyhnhnms

Gulliver learns that "Houyhnhnm" translates to both "horse" and "perfection of nature" in their language. He explains human society to the Master Horse, who is unfamiliar with concepts like deception, power, greed, lust, or envy.

3. Human Nature and War

The Master Horse inquires about the causes of war among humans. Gulliver explains three main reasons: ambition for conquest, government corruption, and differences of opinion, with the latter being the most destructive.

4. Social Hierarchy and Education

Gulliver describes the flawed social hierarchy in his country, where the nobility is encouraged towards laziness and ignorance, and the mixing of classes is seen as detrimental to noble bloodlines.

5. The Houyhnhnms' Judgment

The Master Horse concludes that European Yahoos possess just enough reason to worsen their inherent corruption. He observes that both Gulliver's Yahoos and the Houyhnhnm Yahoos share a common nature, hating each other more than other animals and engaging in conflict without reason.

6. Houyhnhnm Values and Customs

Houyhnhnms value respecting others' ideas without seeking dominance. To prevent overpopulation, they limit themselves to two children per couple, one of each gender. If a family has an imbalance, they exchange children with another family to maintain this balance. In cases of loss, other couples replenish the family's numbers.

7. Gulliver's Departure

Fearing Gulliver's intelligence might incite a Yahoo uprising, the Houyhnhnms decide he must leave. The Master Horse grants him two months to build a boat with the help of the sorrel nag. Gulliver bids farewell to the Master Horse and his family.

8. Return to Civilization

Sailors rescue Gulliver and take him to Lisbon, Portugal. Don Pedro offers him shelter and clothing. After ten days, Don Pedro advises Gulliver to return to his family.

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