Good morning, have you got

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can you puedes tu...

thanks gracias 

spaek to  hablar con ...

call me back llamame despues...

i am afraid me temo 

my mobile mi movil

his wife su esposa 

who is speaking quien esta hblando 

reciever good morning!! Ramirez clinic 

good morning, is the Dr ramires there please??

no, he is on operation 

can you take a message??

R:yes, what is the message ?

R:Could you leave me your name and  phone number please??

yes, my name is raquel and my phone number is 653853146 

thank you 




certainly por supuesto 

of cuorse por supuesto 

thank you very much muchas gracias 

good morning buenos dias 

goodbye adios 

i´m afraid me temo 

fine bien 

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