Góngora's Poetic Style, Themes, and Textual Analysis
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Góngora's Poetic Characteristics
GÓNGORA, for aesthetic reasons, is characterized by:
- Pictorial sense.
- Landscape. The reason is the nature of his work, describing landscapes, objects, animals, flowers, fruits...
- Cultism and popular mix of cultured and popular elements.
- Satire and panegyric: He cultivates two contradictory types of poetry: satire, in which he criticizes, and panegyric, in which he praises nobles and heroes.
Góngora's Main Topics
TOPICS: Love, satirical, moral, philosophical, religious, laudatory, and funeral.
Góngora's Style
STYLE: The most obvious feature is the difficulty. He employs learned words, metaphors, and hyperbaton.
It is characterized by the use of: learned words: He uses words of Latin origin in order to get away from everyday life. The cultism, with their proparoxytonic phonetic value, fits perfectly in the hendecasyllable. Hyperbaton: It is a learned syntax used by Góngora, often with mythological allusions. Allusions: Symbols to love. Metaphor: Used to stylize nature.
Góngora's Works
Popular Poems
WORK. Popular Poems: They are shorter compositions in meters, romances, and letrillas. Popular elements predominate.
The themes of the romances are varied: pastoral, mythological, lyrical. The best known is: Tied to the hard bench.
The letrillas are satirical compositions in eight-syllable verses with a refrain.
Cult Poems
Cult Poems:
- Fable of Polyphemus and Galatea: Tells the story of the Cyclops Polyphemus in love with the nymph Galatea, who in turn is in love with Acis. When Polyphemus discovers them, he casts a rock on Acis, and he becomes a river.
- Solitudes: A lyric poem, written in silva rhyme, in which he sings to nature and rural life.
- Panegyric to the Duke of Lerma.
- Fable of Pyramus and Thisbe: Written in a burlesque form, it is Góngora's favorite work, due to its cultism.
Textual Properties
The text is the maximum communication unit, which is the deliberate release of statements orally or in writing with a particular intention and in a specific situation. A text must meet three conditions: be appropriate to the communicative intention and the situation, be consistent in its message, and be cohesive. Fitness is a property of the texts by which the message conforms to the situation in which the text is issued and the author's purpose. To make the text appropriate, the author must take into account the characteristics (if they are experts, a child, an adult...), the matter in question, and the situation in which the message is received. Consistency is the property that guarantees the unity of meaning of a text. It is to present ideas on the same topic and structured logically. Cohesion is the property of establishing connections between the parts of a text.
Classification of Texts
They are classified according to several criteria:
Dominant role: referential, expressive, poetic, and metalinguistic.
Linguistic level: Popular, Standard, or Cult.
Registration: Formal or colloquial.
Scope of Use: Media, work, family, literary.
Textual Modalities
Textual modalities.
Narrative, descriptive, dialogic, expository, argumentative.
It is a rationale from a written text that is pronounced before an audience.
It is therefore a formal and elaborate text of unidirectional character, as it presents the information to an audience that does not participate except at the request of the author. It dominates the representational function and appellate function.
The conferences are organized in the text that begins with a greeting and consists of an introduction, development, and conclusion. They close with a farewell and thanks to the audience.