Fundamentals of Logic: Principles and Applications
Posted by pepito3 and classified in Philosophy and ethics
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Principles of Logic
Principle of Identity
An object is the same as itself: A is A → A = A.
Principle of Contradiction
Nothing can both be and not be in the same sense at the same time. Contradictory statements cannot both be true: Nothing can be A and not A → ¬(A ∧ ¬A).
Principle of Excluded Middle
Everything must either be or not be. Every statement must be either true or false: Everything is A or not A → A ∨ ¬A.
Logical Paradoxes, Fallacies, and Invalid Arguments
Consider the statement: "This statement is false." This proposition creates a paradox. If we assume it's true, then its content declares it false. Conversely, if we assume it's false, then its content implies it's true. This self-contradictory statement challenges basic logical principles.
Formal Logic
Propositional Logic
Interprets statements as a whole, without decomposition.
Predicate Logic
Analyzes the internal structure of statements, distinguishing between the subject and its predicates.
Logic of Classes
Treats individuals as belonging to sets sharing specific properties.
Logic of Relationships
Deals with relationships between elements within a statement.
Symbolic Representation
Letters (p, q, r, s...)
Represent statements or propositions in reasoning. Example: "If it rains, the street gets wet" becomes: If p, then q.
Signs (→, ∨, ∧, ⊢...)
Represent relationships between propositions. Example: "If it rains, the street gets wet" becomes: p → q.
Propositional Logic: Statements
Simple (Atomic) Statements
Cannot be decomposed into other statements. Examples: "I study Philosophy," "The sun is shining."
Complex (Molecular) Statements
Can be decomposed into simpler statements. Example: "He's Antonio and I'm Antonia."
Truth Tables and Argument Validity
Applying truth tables to assess argument validity yields three possible outcomes:
- Contradiction: The resulting formula is always false, regardless of component statements' truth values.
- Contingency: The formula's truth value depends on the truth or falsity of its component statements.
- Tautology: The formula is always true, regardless of component statements' truth values. Only tautologies represent formally valid inferences.