Fronting Comparative or Superlative Phrases: So, Such, Also (+Inversion)
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Fronting Comparative or Superlative Phrases: So, Such (When Not Followed by a Noun), Also (+Inversion)
Particularly striking was his indifference to truth.
So exhausted did he feel that he went straight to bed.
Such is his commitment to the job, that he often works at weekends.
Also worth a trip is the Louvre Museum.
Fronting As and Though
While he tried very hard, he just couldn’t do it. Hard as he tried, he couldn’t do it.
Although the exam was difficult, he passed it easily. Difficult though the exam was, he passed it easily.
Fronting Noun Clauses
It is clear that his theories were revolutionary. That his theories were revolutionary is clear.
It had always been his ambition to climb all the mountains in Scotland. To climb all the mountains in Scotland had always been his ambition.