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1 What has the client requested with regard To the floor slab? A superflat Finish for the entire floor.2 What are free movement floors and defined Movement floors? Free movement floors are superflat everywhere. On defined Movement floors, only specific lanes are superflat. 3 What issue does the engineer discuss regarding quality? Long, narrow lanes allow a higher-quality Finish to be achieved. 4 What option is Discussed involving grinding? This Can be done at a later stage to make other parts of the floor superflat. 5 What can be done to the reinforcement to Permit grinding? lt can be positioned deeper in the concrete.
1 Should the layout and components Of the new printer differ much from the existing design? Why (not)? No. The existing design has proved to be effective. The company doesn't Have the resources to make fundamental changes to the production process. 2 How many times has the existing model been improved in the past? Once. 3 What consideration is behind the decision on how different the new software Should be? The software has been a major weakness of the existing model. 4 To what extent should the new software system differ from the existing one? Significantly- It needs to be simpler to use. 1 Why are holes Needed in the concrete walls?For the bolts that will be used to fix the beams to the wall. 2 What are core drilled holes and what are preformed holes? Core drilled Holes are formed after the concrete walls have been cast, using a diamond drill. Preformed holes a re formed by putting plastic tubes into the walls while the concreteis Being poured. 3 ln this context, what is meant by plag? Space around the Bolts, in the holes, to allow their position to be adjiusted. 4 What impact Will the lack of play around the bolts have (on the construction)? Positioning The holes precisely or they won't match with the beams. 5 Apart from Technical questions, what two issues will determine the most feasible way of Forming the holes? Time and cost. 1 What are the Advantages of using preformed holes in terms of cost and timescale? The plastic tubes Are cheap to buy and quick to put in. 2 What's the main disadvantage of core Drilling the holes? lt's slow. 3 What tolerance can easily be achieved With preformed holes? Within 20mm. 4 What tolerance is required for the Holes on this project? Wthin l0mm. 5 What's the risk of Using preformed holes? That they're Not positioned accurately. 6 What key feasibility issue does Rajesh identify? The tolerance.