Francis Bacon's New Atlantis: Summary and Analysis

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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Francis Bacon: Life and Works

Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was an English philosopher and politician. His father, Sir Nicholas Bacon, was a high-ranking magistrate in Queen Elizabeth's government. Bacon studied at Trinity College, Cambridge, and in 1576, he entered Gray's Inn in London to study law. Shortly after, he traveled to France as part of a diplomatic mission.

Other Notable Works by Francis Bacon:

  • Novum Organum
  • The Wisdom of the Ancients
  • The Advancement of Learning

New Atlantis: Plot Summary

New Atlantis describes a fictional island, Bensalem, where a group of European sailors land after becoming lost at sea.

A central element of the work is the description of Solomon's House, a pioneering scientific research center. Here, experiments are conducted, and revolutionary discoveries are made in fields such as medicine, agriculture, and technology.

Historical Context of New Atlantis

New Atlantis was influenced by significant 16th-century events, including the discovery of America and the invention of the printing press.

New Atlantis: A Utopian Vision

New Atlantis is considered a utopian work rather than a dystopian one. It presents a positive vision of society and civilization, centered on the island of Bensalem. In Bensalem, knowledge and science are highly valued, and society is structured to promote progress and innovation.

Key Characters in New Atlantis

  • The European ship's captain (the narrator)
  • A priest of the Island of Bensalem
  • The Governor of the Island
  • Joabin, a Jewish merchant and citizen of Bensalem
  • Solamona

Irrelevant content

The following content seems unrelated to the topic and appears to be notes or a different text altogether:

Font: primària= escrit durant Lenin, Secundari= després que hagi passa

tText: privada=diaris, Publico= periòdics

Caràcter: Social, Politico, jurídic, testimonial

Titulo i autor, breu explicació


  1. Període d'entre guerres
  • Abandonament societat de nacions (1933)
  • Acord de no-intervenció (1936)
  • Eix Roma-berlin (1936)
  • Pacte de no opressió Germanosoviètic (1939)
  1. Segona Guerra Mundial (1939-1945)
  • FASE 1: Ofensiva alemanya i guerra llampec (1939-1941)
  • FASE 2: Internalització de la guerra (1941-1943)
  • FASE 3: Canvi de rumb i derrota de l'eix (1941-1945)

Resum text idees principals

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