Final Test 1 and 2 Vocabulary, Grammar, and Reading
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Vocabulary(page 1)
1 1. assignment, look up to
2. make up, in no time at all
3. atmosphere, intruders
4. on my way, pick up
5. came across, looking for
6. decline, increased
2 Possible answers
1. You’ll spoil that child if you give him everything
he wants.
2. The guided tour lasts for three hours.
3. I can’t afford the tuition fees at university.
4. I felt embarrassed when he criticised my project in front of the entire class.
5. They made good time, so they arrived early.
6. I’m not going to replace this phone until it breaks.
7. I’m pleased for John because he finally was able to buy a car.
8. Endangered animals need to be protected.
9. I hope he hires me because I need a job.
(page 2)
3 1. neighbourhood 6. global
2. determined 7. underpaid
3. valuable 8. deforestation
4. misunderstood 9. difference
5. disobey 10. illegal
4 Possible answers
1. four foreign languages
2. have passed similar laws
3. take steps to reduce your waste
4. good at serving
5. living conditions, most of the animals survive
Grammar(page 3)
1 1. build 8. will make
2. was awarded 9. whom
3. are … used 10. have transformed
4. is based 11. needs / needed to
5. who / that think
6. will be made 12. had put forward
7. which
(page 4)
2 1. Nobody has been promoted this year.
2. If we hadn’t got lost on the way, we wouldn’t have been late.
3. I’m having my hair cut (by the hairstylist).
4. I wish you were / could be here with me now.
5. Ron wanted to know if / whether I / we had enjoyed the concert I / we had gone to the previous night /
the night before.
6. You shouldn’t have pointed at that woman.
7. I’m sleeping in their living room, where there’s an incredible view of the city.
8. How long have you been feeling / felt this way?
9. If I were you, I would become a vet.
10. Do you know anyone whose car is for sale?
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Vocabulary(page 1)
1 1. assignment, look up to
2. make up, in no time at all
3. atmosphere, intruders
4. on my way, pick up
5. came across, looking for
6. decline, increased
2 Possible answers
1. You’ll spoil that child if you give him everything
he wants.
2. The guided tour lasts for three hours.
3. I can’t afford the tuition fees at university.
4. I felt embarrassed when he criticised my project in front of the entire class.
5. They made good time, so they arrived early.
6. I’m not going to replace this phone until it breaks.
7. I’m pleased for John because he finally was able to buy a car.
8. Endangered animals need to be protected.
9. I hope he hires me because I need a job.
(page 2)
3 1. neighbourhood 6. global
2. determined 7. underpaid
3. valuable 8. deforestation
4. misunderstood 9. difference
5. disobey 10. illegal
4 Possible answers
1. four foreign languages
2. have passed similar laws
3. take steps to reduce your waste
4. good at serving
5. living conditions, most of the animals survive
Grammar(page 3)
1 1. build 8. will make
2. was awarded 9. whom
3. are … used 10. have transformed
4. is based 11. needs / needed to
5. who / that think
6. will be made 12. had put forward
7. which
(page 4)
2 1. Nobody has been promoted this year.
2. If we hadn’t got lost on the way, we wouldn’t have been late.
3. I’m having my hair cut (by the hairstylist).
4. I wish you were / could be here with me now.
5. Ron wanted to know if / whether I / we had enjoyed the concert I / we had gone to the previous night /
the night before.
6. You shouldn’t have pointed at that woman.
7. I’m sleeping in their living room, where there’s an incredible view of the city.
8. How long have you been feeling / felt this way?
9. If I were you, I would become a vet.
10. Do you know anyone whose car is for sale?
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Reading(page 1)
1 d
2 1. F – As medicine has become more dependent on technology, so has the training of medical students. As a result, little time has been left for developing interpersonal skills.
2. T – One of the first courses was set up at the University of Virginia by the medical school in cooperation with their counterparts in the theatre department.
(page 2)
3 Because in role-playing courses, they help future doctors improve their interpersonal skills.
4 1. are some of the typical classes that are part of
a medical student’s schedule
2. the course mimics reality as closely as possible
5 1. comes to mind 4. mixed
2. lacked 5. sceptical
3. mimic