Favorite Websites and Networking Fundamentals
Classified in Technology
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My Favorite Website
The website that I usually visit is NewPCT1. The page is full of text links. The appearance of this page is good, tidy, nice, and easy to use. The site map is well-organized because it divides the content into sections, and it is only necessary to choose the one that you wish to view. The search option arranges content by series, movies, programs, games, and music. Inside each of these sections, you have many subcategories to choose from. It is very comfortable to navigate this website. It has many links, but all are positioned in such a way that it is easy to use.
Unit 11: Networking Fundamentals
- File Server: A file server provides a central storage area for data files.
- Bridge: A bridge is a hardware and software combination used to connect the same type of network. Bridges can also partition a large network into two smaller ones and connect two LANs that are nearby each other.
- Router: A router is a special computer that directs communicating messages when several networks are connected. High-speed routers can serve as part of the Internet backbone.
- Backbone: A backbone is the main transmission path, handling the major data traffic and connecting different LANs.
- LAN: A LAN is a network contained within a small area, for example, a company department.
- Gateway: A gateway is an interface that enables dissimilar networks to communicate, such as two LANs based on different topologies or network operating systems.
- Modem: A modem is a device for converting digital signals to analog signals and vice versa to enable a computer to transmit and receive data using an ordinary telephone line.
Advantages of Optical Fiber Networks
- Faster than other network types
- Supports video and sound in real-time
- Smaller than pre-existing media dimensions
- Immune to noise and interference
Disadvantages of Optical Fiber Networks (and potential improvements)
- It's more expensive: Potentially cheaper in the long run
- Fiber brittleness: Newer fibers are more resistant
- Limited availability of connectors: More connectors are becoming available
- The installation cost is high: Installation can be cheaper with new techniques