Exploring Happiness: A Journey Through Rasselas

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44. In this chapter they talk about the power of imagination and everyone talk about their dreams. Pekuah imagines herself as the queen of Abyssinia, the princess wants to be shepherdess  and the prince dreams of a perfect government. They decide to stop thinking about it because Imlac warns of the danger that some day those dreams may prevail over reality and reason.

45. They decide to return home and they meet an old man who shows his sadness at being alone because all his loved persons have died. The princess tries to cheer him up but responds that no praise can animate his soul because he cannot share that pride with their loved ones. Finally the old man abandons them and they are thinking about old age. On the other hand the princess and the girl are enxious to visit the Astronomer.

46. The Princess and Pekuah visit the astronomer. When they arrive, Pekuah wants to become his student, as she has acquired her knowlegde during her abduction. The trust grew between the astronomer and visitors, so finally Rasselas decides to reveal the cause of his work, but the astronomer replies that he does not have the answer to happiness because he chose to devote himself to knowledge avoiding domestic activities, meet family tenderness. Now Astronomer is a new man and knows a lot beyond his studies and his dedication to astronomy.

47. Prince introduces the question of happiness. Imlac replied that the life of the monks is organized and promoted by reasonable questions, everything they do is for good reason and they are always busy. There is no place for egotism. He describes the monastery as a place to find protection. They decide to visit the catacombs to find the answer that they have not yet found.

48. When they reach the catacombs they begin to talk about the nature of the soul, its materiality, about the Creator and immortality. Princess concludes that after her death, her soul will be at the mercy of the creator, so she wanted to dedicate herself to anticipate eternity.

49. The rains started and they decided to take shelter at home where they were talking about happiness projects they had. Pekuah wanted to found a convent for women to education. The princess wanted to found an academy to educate young. Prince wanted a kingdom with justice. Imlac and an Astronomer were contented to be driven along the stream of life. All the wishes that they had formed they well knew that none could be obtained. When the inundation ceased, they returned to Abissinia.

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