Exploring Barcelona: Culture, Cuisine, and Climate

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despres, afterwards: despres d'aixo, athlete: atleta,ballet: balet, be keen on: encantar, beach: platja, brush: raspall, cards: cartes, chatting: chat, chess: escacs, cinema: cine, class: classe, competition: competició, competitive: competitiu, computer: ordinador, cook: cuinar, cooking: gastronomia,, crossword puzzle: mots encreuats,dance: ballar, detective: novel: novel·la policiaca, digital camera: camera digital, doing sport: fer esport, drawing: dibuixar , eat out: minjar fora, film: pel·licula, free time: temps lliure, friend: amic, go out: surtir, good at: bo, hiking: senderisme, hobby: afició, ice hockey: hoquei sobre gel, jog: hacer footing, laugh: riure, learn to play: apendre a tocar la guitarra, leisure: temps lliure, market: mercat, newspaper: periodic, paiting: patinar, park: parc, read: lleguir, sing: cantar, speding time with: passar el temps en, sporty: deportiu, spray paint: spray de pintura, surfing the next: navegar per la red, swim: nadar, table football: futbolin, talk: parlar, team games: jocs d'equip, tennis: tenis, trumpet: trompetista, video game: videojoc, wildlife: fauna, audience: public, band: grup musical, bass: baixar, break up: separar, choir: coro, chorus: estribillo, classical music: musica classica, conductor: director de, drum: tambor, flute: flauta travesera , format suporte, jazz: jazz, lead singer: solista, live: en directe, lyrics: lletra de canço, music stand: atril, musican: music, orchesta: orquestra, record: disco, recorder: flauta dolça, record company: companya discografica, singer: cantant, solo: solista un sol, solist: solista, song: canço, track: pista, tune: melodia,advertisements: anuncis publicitaris, articles: articles, audio: audio, author: autor, autobiography: autobiografia, biography: biografia, bookshop: libreria, campaign: campanya, cartoons: caricatura, classic: un clasic, comic book: comic, cookbook: libre de cuina, detective fiction: novel·la policiaca, digital version: libre electronic, essay: assaig, fable: fabula fiction: ficció, headlines: titulars, horror story: historia de terror, magazine: revista, maps: mapa, mystery: misteri, newspaper: periodic, places to stay: llocs on quedar-se, play: obra de teatre, ache: dolor, aspirin: aspirina, cancer: cancer, check up: reconeixement medic, clinic: clinica,cold: costipat, contagious: contagios, cough: tos, dentist: dentista, diet: dieta, dizzy: marejat fatal: mortal, feel sock: sentir-se marejat, feel tired: sentir-se cansat, fever: febra, fitness: forma fisica, flu: grip, get better: millorar, have de flu: tindre grip, headache: dolor de cap, health food: aliments naturals, heart attack: infart, ilness: enfermetat, injection: injecció, injury: ferida, medical research: investigació medica, melanoma:melanoma, nurse:enfermetat,pain: dolor, plaster: escaiola, prescription, skin: piel, smoke: fumar, sore throat: dolor ge gola, stress: estres, surgeon: cirurgia, toothache: mal de dents, treat: tractar, upset stomach: molesties estomacals.

Barcelona is a very nice and big city of Catalunya com much population the best way to visit Barcelona is to walk can go to visit museums, squares. the holy family, the wadis. France station, the source of montjuïc, the Museum of FC Barcelona.

The climate of the city of Barcelona is 27 ° C to summer can go to the beach to sunbathe.

Barcelona the typical meals are roasted vegetables, bread with tomato, Catalan cream, and drink Cava, beer, soda.

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