Exploring Barcelona: Culture, Cuisine, and Climate
Classified in Medicine & Health
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despres, afterwards: despres d'aixo, athlete: atleta,ballet: balet, be keen on: encantar, beach: platja, brush: raspall, cards: cartes, chatting: chat, chess: escacs, cinema: cine, class: classe, competition: competició, competitive: competitiu, computer: ordinador, cook: cuinar, cooking: gastronomia,, crossword puzzle: mots encreuats,dance: ballar, detective: novel: novel·la policiaca, digital camera: camera digital, doing sport: fer esport, drawing: dibuixar , eat out: minjar fora, film: pel·licula, free time: temps lliure, friend: amic, go out: surtir, good at: bo, hiking: senderisme, hobby: afició, ice hockey: hoquei sobre gel, jog: hacer footing, laugh: riure, learn to play: apendre a tocar la guitarra, leisure: temps lliure, market: mercat, newspaper: periodic, paiting: patinar, park: parc, read: lleguir, sing: cantar, speding time with: passar el temps en, sporty: deportiu, spray paint: spray de pintura, surfing the next: navegar per la red, swim: nadar, table football: futbolin, talk: parlar, team games: jocs d'equip, tennis: tenis, trumpet: trompetista, video game: videojoc, wildlife: fauna, audience: public, band: grup musical, bass: baixar, break up: separar, choir: coro, chorus: estribillo, classical music: musica classica, conductor: director de, drum: tambor, flute: flauta travesera , format suporte, jazz: jazz, lead singer: solista, live: en directe, lyrics: lletra de canço, music stand: atril, musican: music, orchesta: orquestra, record: disco, recorder: flauta dolça, record company: companya discografica, singer: cantant, solo: solista un sol, solist: solista, song: canço, track: pista, tune: melodia,advertisements: anuncis publicitaris, articles: articles, audio: audio, author: autor, autobiography: autobiografia, biography: biografia, bookshop: libreria, campaign: campanya, cartoons: caricatura, classic: un clasic, comic book: comic, cookbook: libre de cuina, detective fiction: novel·la policiaca, digital version: libre electronic, essay: assaig, fable: fabula fiction: ficció, headlines: titulars, horror story: historia de terror, magazine: revista, maps: mapa, mystery: misteri, newspaper: periodic, places to stay: llocs on quedar-se, play: obra de teatre, ache: dolor, aspirin: aspirina, cancer: cancer, check up: reconeixement medic, clinic: clinica,cold: costipat, contagious: contagios, cough: tos, dentist: dentista, diet: dieta, dizzy: marejat fatal: mortal, feel sock: sentir-se marejat, feel tired: sentir-se cansat, fever: febra, fitness: forma fisica, flu: grip, get better: millorar, have de flu: tindre grip, headache: dolor de cap, health food: aliments naturals, heart attack: infart, ilness: enfermetat, injection: injecció, injury: ferida, medical research: investigació medica, melanoma:melanoma, nurse:enfermetat,pain: dolor, plaster: escaiola, prescription, skin: piel, smoke: fumar, sore throat: dolor ge gola, stress: estres, surgeon: cirurgia, toothache: mal de dents, treat: tractar, upset stomach: molesties estomacals.