Exchange Server Management: Essential Tasks

Classified in Technology

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18) Mail-Enabling an Existing Contact:

  1. Recipient Configuration
  2. Mail Contact
  3. Existing Contact
  4. Locate the contact using the browser
  5. OWA

20) Moving a Mailbox with Exchange Management Console:

  1. Recipient Configuration
  2. Mailbox
  3. Select the desired mailbox
  4. Move Mailbox
  5. Browse and select the target database
  6. Skip mailbox check
  7. Select "Immediately" for the move timing.

21) Creating an ActiveSync Policy:

  1. Organization Configuration
  2. Client Access
  3. New Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Policy
  4. Enter a name for the policy
  5. Enable the "Allow attachments" checkbox (and other desired settings).

22) Assigning an ActiveSync Policy:

  1. Recipient Configuration
  2. Mailbox
  3. Select the desired mailbox and open its properties
  4. Mailbox Features
  5. Exchange ActiveSync
  6. Properties
  7. Select the new policy.

23) Creating a New Transport Rule:

  1. Organization Configuration
  2. Hub Transport
  3. New Transport Rule
  4. Enter a name and enable the rule
  5. Marked with classification
  6. Classification: Company Confidential
  7. Except if...; address
  8. Add
  9. Enter the desired address.

14) Mail-Enabling an Existing Security Group:

  1. Create a group in Active Directory (Universal and Distribution)
  2. Members: Add desired members
  3. Recipient Configuration
  4. Distribution Group
  5. New Distribution Group
  6. Existing Group
  7. Browse and select the created group
  8. OWA: Send an email to the group.

15) Creating a New Dynamic Distribution Group:

  1. Recipient Configuration
  2. Distribution Group
  3. New Dynamic Distribution Group
  4. Enter a name
  5. All Recipients Type
  6. Condition: "State"
  7. Create users in Active Directory with the specified state and test.

16) Creating a New Mail Contact:

  1. Recipient Configuration
  2. Mail Contact
  3. New Mail Contact
  4. Enter the contact details.

Mail User Agent (MUA)

A computer program used to manage a user's email.

Mail Submission Agent (MSA)

A computer program that receives electronic mail messages from an MUA and cooperates with an MTA for delivery of the mail.

Mail Delivery Agent (MDA)

A computer program responsible for delivering email messages to a local recipient's mailbox (handling messages from the MTA and storing mail in the recipient's environment).

Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)

Software that transfers electronic mail messages from one computer to another using a client-server application architecture. An MTA implements both the client (sending) and server (receiving) portions of the SMTP.

Mail server refers to a computer performing the MTA function.

MUA (User with PC) -> MSA (Server) -> MTA -> Mail Exchanger (MX) -> MDA -> User with PC (Cloud-based if applicable).

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