
Classified in Medicine & Health

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Please stand (1) on this board. Put your hands on the back of your hips and your elbows forward. I'll help you. (2) push your elbows (3) out. Keep (4) breathing. In a moment I'll ask you to (5) take a deep breath in and hold it. Breathe in, (6) hold it. That's it. Fine. You can breathe out now.

Thank you. I'll need to check the film. Now I'm going to take a side view.

Can you stand (7) sideways with your right side close to the machine and your arms raised?

1 MRI provides more detailed information than CT because of high contrast sensitivity.

2 MRI is not approved for use in the first three months of pregnancy.

3 MRI is safer than X-rays because there is no radiation.

4 MRI allows imaging on many planes unlike CT.

1 I'm going to give you a local anaesthetic so that you won't feel any pain.

2 With an MRI, it's important there are no metallic foreign bodies in the eyes.

3 After an operation, patients are moved to a recovery area to recuperate.

4 Endoscopes can be used to excise diseased tissue.

5 Before an endoscopy, the patient's informed consent must be obtained.    

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