Classified in Computers
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categories graphic software:
Bitmapped Grapghics represent images as bitmap; they are stored as pixels and Become a bit distorted when they manipulated. The density of dotd per inch, Determines how the image is.
Vector Graphics represent images as mathematical formulae, so they can be Changed or scaled without losing quality. They are ideal for high-resolution output.
Types of graphics software.
Image Manipulation programs: let you edit your favourite images. For example, You can scan a picture into your PC or transfer a photo from your camera and Then add different efecto, or filters.
Painting And drawing programs: also called illustration packages, offer Facilities for freehand drawing, with a wide chice od fens and brushes, colours And patterns. One example Windows Paint.
Business graphic programs, also called presentation software, let you crate pie Charts and line graphs of kinds for slide shows and reports. You can import Data from a database or spreadsheet to generate the graphs.
Computer-aided design (CAD): is used by engineers and architects to design everything From cars and planes to building and furniture. First they make a wireframe, A drawing with edges and contourn lines. Then if they want to colour the Objects and add textura, they create a Surface for the object; this is called “filling The surface”. Finally the design is rendered to Make the object look realistic. Rendering is A process that adds realism to graphics by using shading, light sources and Reflections.
Desktop Publishing (DTP): is based around a page layout program, which lets you Import text from a Word processor, clip-art (ready-made Pictures) from graphics packages, and images from scanners or cameras, and Arrange them all on a page. It is used to design and publish books, newspapers, Posters, etc.
Digital Art or computer art: is done with applets that use mathematical formulae To créate beautiful bridht shapes called fractals. A fractal is a geometrical Figure with special properties. Fractals can also be used to model real objects Like clouds, coastlines or landscapes.
Computer Animation uses graphics programs (e.G. Digital cartoon system) to créate Or edit moving pictures. Each image in a sequence os images is called a “frame”.
Geographic Information system (GIS): allow cartographers to créate detaildes maps.