Essential Vocabulary and Phrases for Everyday English
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Essential English Vocabulary and Phrases
Common Phrasal Verbs
- Stay on: To continue in a place, position, or situation.
- Save up: To accumulate money for future use.
- Look up: To search for something on the internet or in a book.
- Look up to: To admire someone or something.
Money and Education
- Earning money: Getting money for work that you do.
- Allowance: An amount of money given regularly.
- Changed my mind: Had a change of opinion.
- Encourage: To inspire or motivate.
- Skip: To avoid going to; to miss.
- Immediately: Straight away.
- Career: A chosen pursuit; a profession or occupation.
- Degree: An academic title conferred by universities and colleges upon completion of studies, or as an honorary recognition of achievement.
- A-level: Exams which students in England and Wales take at the age of 18.
- Sixth-form college: A place where students aged between 16 and 18 study after they have left school.
Study Verbs and Phrases
- Make a difference: A significant change or progress in a situation.
- Make an effort: To do something even though you need extra energy.
- Make notes: To write down what the teacher says.
- Make progress: Movement toward a goal; advance.
- Do roleplays: To participate in something in a specific way.
- Write down: To make a note of something; to record something in writing.
- Read aloud: To read with voice.
Memory and Organization
- Remember: To retain in the memory.
- Recall: To remember; to recollect.
- Record: Information or data on a particular subject, collected and preserved.
- Appointments: An arrangement to do something or meet someone at a particular time and place.
- Diary: A daily record, especially a personal record of events, experiences, and observations; a journal.
- Memorize: To learn by heart.
- Memory: The act or an instance of remembering; recollection.
- Calendar: A system for organizing time.
- Remind: To cause to remember; to put in mind.
- Forget: To be unable to remember something.
- Carry out: To perform or complete a task.
- Let down: To disappoint someone.
- Sort out: To organize or tidy something.
- Work out: To solve a problem.
- Success: The favorable outcome of something.
- Essential: Absolutely necessary.
- Personal journal: Notebooks containing private thoughts.
- Gadgets: Small, useful inventions.
- Store: Put in a place for later use.
- Ability/Efficient: Able to do something quickly and well.
- Make the most of: Use or enjoy something as much as possible.
Idioms and Expressions
- Bright red: To blush.
- Over the moon: Extremely pleased and happy.
- Couldn't believe her eyes: To be very surprised by something.
- Burst into tears: To begin to cry suddenly.
- Scared stiff: Absolutely terrified.
Environmental Vocabulary
- To be green: To take special steps to protect the environment.
- Waste: To use something inefficiently.
- Reuse: To use again.
- Recycle: To put or pass through a cycle again, as for further treatment.
- Bottle bank: A container for glass recycling.
- Throw away: To get rid of something as useless.
- Dump: A place where rubbish is discarded.
- Packaging: The box or wrapping in which a product is offered for sale.
- Get rid of: To throw away.
- Put up with: To tolerate.
- Come up with: To create or invent.
- Break down: To decompose.
- Cut down (on): To reduce.
- Carrier bag: A shopping bag, usually made of plastic.
- To raise: Make people aware of something.
- Stink: A bad smell.
- Shelters: Structures built for protection.
- Manufacturer: A company that makes goods in a factory.
- Can: A metal container for food or drink.
Extreme Adjectives
Examples of extreme adjectives:
- Surprised: amazed, astonished
- Pleased/Glad: thrilled, delighted
- Scared/Frightened: terrified
- Angry/Cross: furious
- Sad: devastated, miserable
- Tired: exhausted