Essential Verbs and Grammar Rules for Effective Communication
Classified in Medicine & Health
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Swipe, browse, scroll, plug, switch. Afford (pagar) worth it, borrow, waste, support (apoyar), dependable (confiable), kind (amable), supportive, packs (manada), banks, achieve (lograr), advertise, appeal, claim (reclamar), broadcast (retransmitir), bid (oferta), bargain (rebaja), auction (subasta), purchase, refund, supply, aisle (pasillo), checkout (caja), counter (encimera), packaging (embalaje), low-priced, wide-ranging, long-term, ready-made, labor-saving, reliable (confianza), wireless, stored, releases (libera), rest (descanso), break (recreo), cheer up (animar), work out, slow down, open up to, face up, cut down, calm down, chill out, bruised (magullada), itchy, sore (dolorido), sprained (torcido), swollen (inchada), wrap up (envolver), keep in, lie around (bageando), carry on, end up, aching muscles, reliable (confianza), perform (actuar)
VERBS MODALS: be able to, ought to, must, have to, can, should, need to
I've already, he still, I... yet.
COUNTABLE: enough, many, few, lots, plenty of.
UNCOUNTABLE: Enough, much, little, lots of, plenty
REFLEXIVE PRON: each other, one another. Themselves, yourself, myself.
NEITHER oil NOR gas will power it. It is BOTH clean and cheap.
CONDITIONAL: zero, present, present/1st (possible) if present, future/2nd (improbable) if past, conditional (would like)/3rd (impossible) if past perfect, had taken, perfect conditional would have had.
Passive: be + past participle (will be sold, is worn)
Present perfect continuous: I have been working (action hasn't finished)