Essential Teacher Knowledge and Lesson Planning in English Language Teaching

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List the 6 Areas of Teacher Knowledge (Richards, 1998)

  1. Theories of teaching

  2. Development of teaching competences and skills

  3. Content knowledge of the different subjects

  4. Psychopedagogical and didactic knowledge

  5. Knowledge of the school context

  6. Practical knowledge

Specific Knowledge for English Teachers

Specific knowledge, often gained through experience, is crucial for effective teaching. According to Richards, skilled English teachers should excel in:

  1. Selecting learning activities

  2. Preparing students for new learning

  3. Presenting learning activities

  4. Asking questions

  5. Checking students’ understanding

  6. Providing opportunities for practice of new items

  7. Monitoring students’ learning

  8. Giving feedback on student learning

Why is Lesson Planning Important?

Lesson planning is a crucial methodological aspect of language teaching. It involves setting goals and designing interventions to facilitate student learning. While lessons may follow a general structure (assembly/work/game), planning ensures clear objectives and effective teaching strategies.

Elements of a Lesson Plan

  1. Objectives

  2. Contents

  3. Materials

  4. Methodology

  5. Classroom environment

  6. Age

  7. Language Skill

  8. Sequencing

  9. Teacher role

  10. Activities and evaluation

Stating Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes specify what students should be able to do by the end of the lesson. They are written in the future tense and should be achievable and assessable.


Children will be able to identify the colors of the rainbow in English.

Using Bloom's Taxonomy

Bloom's Taxonomy provides a framework for writing objectives and learning outcomes, assisting teachers, particularly in preschool settings, in designing effective lessons.

Advantages of Learning Outcomes


1.Pupils remain fuly engaged. 2.Pupils make progress in the lesson. 3.Pupils understand what work is expected of them.

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