Essential English Vocabulary and Grammar Review

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  • Accent - acento
  • Citizenship - nacionalidad
  • Demand - exigir, requerir
  • Law - ley
  • Citizens - ciudadano
  • Force - obligar
  • Government - gobierno
  • Proposal - propuesta
  • Prove - demostrar
  • Typical - típico
  • Trendy - de moda
  • Quiet - tranquilo
  • Noisy - ruidoso
  • Appearance - aspecto físico
  • Painful - doloroso
  • Hardship - problema
  • Aware - consciente
  • Light-skinned - piel clara
  • Tease - burlarse
  • Lucky break - suerte
  • Pretty curly - bonito rizado
  • Good looking - guapo

Text Analysis

Redefining British Culture

True or False:

  1. True (lines 1-2)
  2. False (lines 5-6)
  3. True (lines 8, 9, 10)
  4. False (lines 11)
  5. False (lines 14)

Inner Beauty: Can We Really See It?

  1. People sometimes judge others based on their physical appearance.
    1. b
    2. a
    1. She experienced being judged.
    2. Because of how she looked.
    3. He is able to see a person.

The Fringe

    1. Lines one and two
    2. Lines six and seven
    3. Lines fifteen and sixteen
    1. Has hosted visitors every August.
    2. Is also a popular place to look for new performers.
    3. Large audience because it is inexpensive.
    1. False (lines 2-3)
    2. True (lines 7-8) Anyone who can pay can have a show.
    3. False (The first shows started in the late 40s as just a few theatre performances, lines 13, 14)
    1. Press
    2. Spotted
    3. Appearance
    4. Latter

Grammar: Present Simple

The verb is normal, but in the 3rd person -s (he, she, it). In the negative form: don't or doesn't + verb. In interrogative form: do/does.

Uses: Temporal expressions (always, usually, in the morning, on Sundays).

Grammar: Present Continuous

am/are/is + -ing. Negative: am not/aren't/isn't + -ing. Interrogative: e.g., are you...?

Uses: Temporal expressions (now, at the moment, this year, this evening, tonight, tomorrow).

Grammar: Past Simple

Affirmative: -ed. Negative: didn't + verb. Interrogative: did you...?

Uses: (yesterday, last week, two days ago, in 1905, when, then).

Grammar: Past Continuous

Affirmative: was/were + verb. Negative: wasn't/weren't + verb. Interrogative: was + (you, he...).

Uses: (when, while, as).

Grammar: Present Perfect Simple

Affirmative: have/has + verb (-ed). Negative: haven't/hasn't + verb (-ed). Interrogative: have/has + verb (-ed) (have you...).

Uses: (ever, never, just, yet, recently, lately, already, in recent years, for, since, how long?...)

Grammar: Past Perfect Simple

Affirmative: had + past participle (eat > eaten). Negative: hadn't + past participle. Interrogative: (had you eaten...).

Uses: (by the time, after, before, until, never, just)

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