Environmental Protection, Internet Benefits, and Layer Cake Review

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Protecting the Environment

One of the things that worries people most nowadays is the environment. In the last few decades, humans have been polluting way too much, which has had a negative effect on the environment. For this reason, we must protect it from now on.
First, we ought to start paying attention to the 3 Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle. By doing so, we will reduce the quantity of rubbish, we will not throw away so many things, and we will be able to recycle most of our waste.
Second, a very good idea is to stop using cars so much and start cycling or walking a little more. For example, instead of commuting by car, we can try to do it on foot or by bike.
Finally, if we really want to change things, we should teach young pupils about the dangers of contamination and pollution. It’s the only way to change the future because they are the future citizens of the world.
In conclusion, I believe that if we do these three things, we can still prevent humans from destroying the environment.

The Internet: A Great Invention

The Internet has changed the way we live. It started as something that we could access only through a computer, but nowadays it is everywhere, and I love it!
One of the cool things about the World Wide Web is that you can look up anything you want and find out the answer straight away. Isn’t that fantastic? For example, imagine you are arguing with your friends about how to do something. Easy solution! Go online and find the answer.
However, the greatest thing about the Internet is how you can learn tons of things very cheaply or even for free! In fact, my favorite website is www.udemy.com, where people register to teach and learn about different things: music, website design, making apps, history, etc. So I totally recommend it to everyone!
In conclusion, the Internet has a lot of great things. For me, the best are finding information and learning online. What about you? What are your favorite things about it?

Layer Cake: A Daniel Craig Film

Did you know that Daniel Craig was already famous before playing James Bond? In fact, my favorite Daniel Craig movie is called “Layer Cake”, which he did a long time before becoming the most famous spy in the world.
Set in central London, “Layer Cake” tells the story of a drug dealer (played by Craig) and how he tries to give up his drug empire. However, not everything goes as planned, and he gets into some serious trouble with some of his business partners.
The main characters are wonderfully played by the actors, who give an exceptional performance. However, some of the secondary roles seemed a little dull and two-dimensional.
As for the plot, it’s a real nail-biter, as you never know what is going to happen with the main characters. In fact, you will never be able to guess the ending!
If you are a fan of action movies, I completely recommend that you watch this film. I am sure you will have a great time, and it will be an unforgettable movie.

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