English Vocabulary for Pain and Medical Symptoms
Classified in Physical Education
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Pain Vocabulary
Intensity = Intensidad * Distress = Angustia
- Mild = Leve * Excruciating = Insoportable
- Burning = Incendio * Sharp = Agudo
- Throbbing = Palpitante * Moderate = Moderado
- Constant = Constante * Unbearable = Inaguantable
- Intermittent = Disparo * Shooting = Tiroteo
Pain Levels
- No pain = Sin dolor
- Moderate pain = Dolor moderado
- Severe pain = Dolor severo
- Very severe pain = Dolor muy severo
- Unbearable pain = Dolor inaguantable
Other Symptoms
- Cough = Tos * Earache = Dolor de oído
- Headache = Dolor de cabeza
- Nauseous = Náuseas
- Skin rash = Erupción cutánea
- Sweaty = Sudoroso * Tired = Cansado
- Dizzy = Mareado * Fever = Fiebre
- Itchy = Picazón * Wheeze = Sibilancias
- Runny nose = Secreción nasal
- Sore throat = Dolor de garganta
- Stomachache = Dolor de estómago
- Swollen glands = Glándulas inflamadas
Comparative Sentences
Sentences of Equality
- Lucia is as fast as Maikel.
- Marta is as hardworking as Elena.
- The pain in my foot is intermittent; it comes and goes throughout the day.
- A shooting pain starts and ends very quickly.
- He screamed because the pain was absolutely unbearable.
- The pain in her stomach was constant; it hurt from morning to night.
- The woman's distress was clear when she called an ambulance in a panic.
- The wound didn't hurt at first, but the intensity of the pain increased as time went on.
- I have a mild headache, but otherwise I feel just fine.
- The pain was so excruciating that she began to cry.
- There's a burning pain in my lower back; it feels like it's on fire.
- He felt a sharp, sudden pain in his arm, but it quickly subsided.
- Is the pain moderate or does it hurt very badly?
- His toe was throbbing after he hit it against the edge of the table.
Sentences of Superiority
- This book is more interesting than that one.
- Japan is more expensive than Canada.
Sentences of Inferiority
- My car is less fuel-efficient than yours.
- Lorena is less intelligent than Pedro.
Comparative Adverbs
- Jeff works more quietly than Steve does.
- Mary runs faster than John.
- James plays tennis better than Charlie.
- I forget things more often now than before.
Superlative Adverbs
- Anne is the student that runs the fastest.
- On that test, I did the worst in the class.
- Lisa is the one that sings the most beautifully in the band.
- Clive is the student that gets to school the earliest.