English Vocabulary for Pain and Medical Symptoms

Classified in Physical Education

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Pain Vocabulary


Intensity = Intensidad * Distress = Angustia

  • Mild = Leve * Excruciating = Insoportable
  • Burning = Incendio * Sharp = Agudo
  • Throbbing = Palpitante * Moderate = Moderado
  • Constant = Constante * Unbearable = Inaguantable
  • Intermittent = Disparo * Shooting = Tiroteo

Pain Levels

  • No pain = Sin dolor
  • Moderate pain = Dolor moderado
  • Severe pain = Dolor severo
  • Very severe pain = Dolor muy severo
  • Unbearable pain = Dolor inaguantable

Other Symptoms

  • Cough = Tos * Earache = Dolor de oído
  • Headache = Dolor de cabeza
  • Nauseous = Náuseas
  • Skin rash = Erupción cutánea
  • Sweaty = Sudoroso * Tired = Cansado
  • Dizzy = Mareado * Fever = Fiebre
  • Itchy = Picazón * Wheeze = Sibilancias
  • Runny nose = Secreción nasal
  • Sore throat = Dolor de garganta
  • Stomachache = Dolor de estómago
  • Swollen glands = Glándulas inflamadas

Comparative Sentences

Sentences of Equality

  • Lucia is as fast as Maikel.
  • Marta is as hardworking as Elena.


  1. The pain in my foot is intermittent; it comes and goes throughout the day.
  2. A shooting pain starts and ends very quickly.


  1. He screamed because the pain was absolutely unbearable.
  2. The pain in her stomach was constant; it hurt from morning to night.


  1. The woman's distress was clear when she called an ambulance in a panic.
  2. The wound didn't hurt at first, but the intensity of the pain increased as time went on.


  1. I have a mild headache, but otherwise I feel just fine.
  2. The pain was so excruciating that she began to cry.


  1. There's a burning pain in my lower back; it feels like it's on fire.
  2. He felt a sharp, sudden pain in his arm, but it quickly subsided.


  1. Is the pain moderate or does it hurt very badly?
  2. His toe was throbbing after he hit it against the edge of the table.

Sentences of Superiority

  • This book is more interesting than that one.
  • Japan is more expensive than Canada.

Sentences of Inferiority

  • My car is less fuel-efficient than yours.
  • Lorena is less intelligent than Pedro.

Comparative Adverbs

  1. Jeff works more quietly than Steve does.
  2. Mary runs faster than John.
  3. James plays tennis better than Charlie.
  4. I forget things more often now than before.

Superlative Adverbs

  1. Anne is the student that runs the fastest.
  2. On that test, I did the worst in the class.
  3. Lisa is the one that sings the most beautifully in the band.
  4. Clive is the student that gets to school the earliest.

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