English Vocabulary and Grammar: A Comprehensive Review
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Unit 4: Environmental Issues and Legal Terms
- Auction (Subasta)
- Carbon footprint (Petjada de carbó)
- Court (Jutgat)
- Drought (Sequera)
- Environmentalist
- Exhaust fumes
- Landfill (Abocador)
- Litter (Basura)
- Offense (Delicte)
- Smog (Boira amb fum)
- Source (Font)
- Treasure (Tresor)
- Trial (Judici)
- Waste (Residus)
- Wilderness (Natura)
- Wildlife (Fauna)
- Approach (Enfocament)
- Avoid (Evitar)
- Ban (Prohibició)
- Convict (Condemnat)
- Damage (Fer malbé)
- Disrupt (Interrompre)
- Dump, Exploit, Pollute, Regret, Replace, Supply, Threaten
- Guilty, Outspoken, Unexpected
- Bring about, Charged with, Cut down, Dispose of
- Global warming, Greenhouse effect, Pass laws, Renewable energy, Solar power, Use up, Water shortage, Wipe out
Unit 5: Workplace Vocabulary and Skills
- Chatterbox, Deadline, Knowledge, Overtime, Privilege, Rise, Shift, Staff, Stuff, Team player, Challenge, Commute, Fire, Flourish, Freelance, Presume, Promote, Propose, Raise, Resign, Switch
- Accomplished, Assertive, Conscientious, Devoted, Experienced, Pushy, Reliable, Rewarding, Self-employed, Skilled, Trustworthy, Unapproachable
- Be bound to, Down-to-earth, Get training (have got), Common sense, In charge of, Odd jobs, People skills, Run a business, Run away, See the point, Steady job, Work well under pressure
Unit 6: Traffic and Road Safety Terms
- Boot, Fine, Jaywalking, Junction, Lane, Motorist, Motorway, Pavement, Pedestrian, Poll, Roundabout, Rush hour, Seat belt, Speed limit, Speeding, Traffic jam, Zebra crossing
- Delay, Distract, Enforce, Fancy, Indicate, Overtake, Swerve, Tempt
- Cautious, Fatal, Inattentive, Oncoming, One-way, Reckless, (Be) Stuck, Tough, (Be) Unaware, Vulnerable
- Break a habit, Dead end, Flat tire, Head-on collision, Resist the urge, Right of way, Sound your horn
Unit 0: Grammar Review
- Our music teacher never gives tests. (Present Simple)
- Do you think schools will have changed much by 2015? (Future Perfect)
- We hadn’t known Lynda until a few days ago. (Past Perfect)
- At three o’clock on Saturday afternoon, I will be looking after my nephew. (Future Continuous)
- I called her while she was talking to her boyfriend. (Past Continuous)
- George had written his essay by the time his friends came around. (Past Perfect)
- Is she going to go to university next year? (Future Simple)
- I bought this backpack in 2009. (Past Simple)
Unit 1: Grammar Review
- What does this word mean? (Present Simple)
- Jennifer has been working on her essay since 10 o’clock. (Present Perfect Continuous)
- We are going to correct mistakes on signs. (Future Simple)
- Deck and Herson had lots of adventures while they were traveling. (Past Continuous)
- We had been doing the role-play for 10 minutes when the teacher told us to stop. (Past Perfect Continuous)
- The post has just arrived. (Present Perfect)
- Will Chinese have replaced English as the international language by 2050? (Future Perfect)
- He translated the article after reading it carefully. (Past Simple)
Unit 2: Grammar Review
- Danny said that Sam hadn’t helped at all on this project. (Reported Speech)
- I’m going to live within my budget next month. (Future Simple)
- Allison promised me that he would never lie to me again. (Reported Speech)
- By the time the police ordered the ambush marketers to leave the area, they had given away hundreds of t-shirts. (Past Perfect)
- Bob asked whether I knew what her income had been last year. (Reported Speech)
- Has he ever written adverts? (Present Perfect)
- By the time he returns, she will have finished designing the advert. (Future Perfect)
- They have been advertising their product for a month. (Present Perfect Continuous)
Unit 3: Grammar Review
- A lot has been written about him in the gossip columns. (Passive Voice - Present Perfect)
- He had been auditioning for three months before he found an acting job. (Past Perfect Continuous)
- A new fashion line will be launched soon. (Passive Voice - Future Simple)
- The fan asked him whether he could have his autograph then. (Reported Speech)
- He had his photograph taken for the cover of his new album. (Causative)
- She has been singing since 9 o’clock. (Present Perfect Continuous)
- Sam can’t be in China. (Modal Verb - Deduction)
- Terrible rumors are being spread about their marriage. (Passive Voice - Present Continuous)
Unit 4: Grammar Review
- I had my hair cut the other day. (Causative)
- I’ll meet Sue as soon as I finish the essay. (Future Simple)
- He will be given an award. (Passive Voice - Future Simple)
- I wish I weren’t so tall. (Wish - Present Unreal Situation)
- We have been growing our own vegetables for a year. (Present Perfect Continuous)
- We’ll hold the event outdoors unless it rains. (Conditional - First Conditional)
- If only I hadn’t worn jeans. (Wish - Past Regret)
- My sister wanted to know if I had seen Tracy the previous day. (Reported Speech)
Unit 5: Grammar Review
- Many people lost their jobs in 2009 when the economic crisis began. (Past Simple)
- I wish she hadn’t been fired. (Wish - Past Regret)
- The employees to whom this training is offered have a technical background. (Relative Clause)
- Several people are being promoted this month. (Passive Voice - Present Continuous)
- If I were self-employed, I wouldn’t get a monthly salary. (Conditional - Second Conditional)
- Marlene declared that she had worked overtime the previous night. (Reported Speech)
- She went to the gym after she had done the shopping. (Past Perfect)
- Beth, whose idea it was... (Relative Clause)