English Vocabulary: Definitions and Explanations

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Pounding: To strike or hit heavily and repeatedly.

Gubby: Dirty.

Scrambled: More quickly.

Stashed: To store safely and secretly in a specified place.

Upset: The state of being unhappy, disappointed, or worried.

Nightmare: An unpleasant dream.

Countered: To speak or act in opposition to.

Grim (adj.): Something forbidding or uninviting. Depressing or worrying. Merciless (review).

Astonished: Surprised, impressed.

Relieved: To cause pain or distress to become less severe or serious (n. relief).

Attempts: To make an effort to achieve or complete.

Sully: To damage the purity or integrity of…

Jurors: Members of a jury.

Witnesses: People who see an event, typically a crime or accident.

Whereabouts: The place where someone or something is.

Retrieve: To get something back.

Loaded: Charged with ammunition.

Glimpse: A brief or quick view.

Peek: To look quickly or in a furtive manner.

Dispatches: To deal with a task or problem quickly and efficiently.

Requirement: Something that is necessary; a need for a particular purpose.

Retreat: An act of moving back.

Hailed: To call out to attract attention.

Plea: A request made in an emotional manner; a formal statement by or on behalf of a defendant.

Faint: To lose consciousness.

Worship: Adoration and reverence (not "no praise").

Break into: To enter somewhere illegally in order to steal.

Break out: The sudden start of a disease, virus, or war.

Hawkers: Street vendors.

Awe-inspiring: Giving a feeling of respect and amazement.

Haphazard: Not organized; not arranged according to a plan.

Tacky: Cheap, badly made, or vulgar.

Bustling: Full of busy or lively people (especially a place).

Soaring: Very tall or high in the sky (especially buildings or trees).

In-your-face: So loud, big, or noticeable that you cannot ignore it.

Wind down: To relax or lose power.

Glen: A valley between hills or mountains, typically with steep, rocky walls (not "courage").

Manslaughter: The crime of killing a human being without malice aforethought.

Felony: A serious crime, typically involving violence, usually punishable by imprisonment for more than one year or by death.

Cramped: To restrict or inhibit the development of; to suffer from a sudden and painful contraction of a muscle.

Wept: To cry with sorrow (weep-wept-wept).

Gasped: To inhale suddenly with an open mouth, out of pain or astonishment.

Jolted: To push or shake someone or something abruptly and roughly.

Figurative: To give a surprise to someone in order to make them alter or change.

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