English Tenses, Modals, Conditionals, and Grammar

Classified in English

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English Grammar Overview

Present and Past Tenses

  • Present Continuous: am/is/are + verb(-ing) - Actions happening now. (I am cooking dinner.)
  • Present Simple: subject + base verb - Routines or general truths. (The sun rises in the east.)
  • Past Simple: subject + past verb form - Finished actions in the past. (She visited Paris last year.)
  • Past Continuous: was/were + verb(-ing) - Actions ongoing at a specific time in the past. (I was watching TV when she called.)

Perfect Tenses

  • Present Perfect: have/has + past participle (I have finished my homework.)
  • Past Perfect: had + past participle - Earlier past action before another past action. (I had eaten before they arrived.)
  • Perfect Continuous: have/has/had been + verb(-ing) - Emphasize the duration. (I have been studying for two hours.)

Future Forms

  • will + base verb: Predictions or decisions made at the moment. (I will call you tomorrow.)
  • Be going to + base verb: Planned actions or predictions with evidence. (It is going to rain.)
  • Present Continuous for Future: am/is/are + verb(-ing) - Definite plans. (I am meeting my friends tonight.)


  • modal verb (can, could, must, should, etc.) + base verb
  • You must wear a helmet. (Obligation)
  • She can swim well. (Ability)


  • Zero Conditional: If + present simple, present simple - General truths. (If water freezes, it turns to ice.)
  • First Conditional: If + present simple, will + base verb - Possible future events. (If it rains, I will stay home.)
  • Second Conditional: If + past simple, would + base verb - Imaginary situations. (If I were rich, I would travel the world.)
  • Third Conditional: If + past perfect, would + have + past participle - Past that did not happen.

Passive Voice

Focusing on the object of the action rather than the doer. Be + past participle (3) The cake was eaten by the children.

Reported Speech

subject + said/told + that + statement (She said that she was tired.)


  • Yes/No Questions: Do/does/did + subject + base verb (Do you like coffee?)
  • WH- Questions: What/where/when + auxiliary + subject + base verb (Where are you going?)

Verb Patterns

Followed by -ing or to -inf (She enjoys swimming. / I want to leave.)


  • A/an: Indefinite articles for general nouns.
  • the: Definite article for specific nouns.

Relative Clauses

who/that/which + verb


adjectives + noun


verb + adverb

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