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English to Spanish Vocabulary
A Comprehensive Guide
Ability - Skill: Habilidad - Destreza
According to: Según
Although: Aunque
Ancient: Antiguo
Aware, Conscious: Consciente, Sabedor
Barely - Nearly: Apenas
Beneficial - Positive: Beneficioso - Positivo
Board Games: Juegos de mesa
Boundaries - Limits, Frontier, Borders: Límites, Frontera
Brain: Cerebro
Burial: Entierro
Chains: Cadenas
Charm: Encanto
Close to - Next to, Near: Cerca de, Junto a
Concentrate on - Focus on: Concentrarse en, Enfocarse en
Council: Consejo
Countless - Many, Infinite: Incontables, Infinitos
Customs - Traditions: Costumbres - Tradiciones
Dairy Products: Productos lácteos
Damage: Daño, Perjuicio
Depressing - Sad, Miserable: Deprimente - Triste, Miserable
Discussion - Conversation: Discusión - Conversación
Dry Cleaner's: Tintorería
Earthquake: Terremoto
Endless - Infinite, Never-Ending: Interminable, Infinito
Environmental: Medioambiental
Even: Incluso
Fast: Rápido
Fearful: Temeroso/Aterrador
Fears - Fright: Miedos - Susto
Focus - Centre, Objective: Enfoque - Centro, Objetivo
For Instance - For Example, Like: Por ejemplo, Como
Foreign: Extranjero (adj.)
Goat: Cabra
Goods - Belongings: Bienes - Pertenencias
Hard: Difícil
Heir (to): Heredero
Household - Familiar: Familiar - Doméstico
However - Yet: Sin embargo
In Addition to - Besides: Además de
Instead of: En vez de/ En lugar de
Kingdom - Realm: Reino
Lead: Plomo
Lead to: Conducir a
Link - Connection: Enlace - Conexión
Looks - Appearance: Apariencia
Mainly - Basically: Principalmente - Básicamente
Major - Important: Importante
Nearby - Close to: Cerca de
Obvious - Logical: Obvio - Lógico
Over-Fishing: Sobrepesca
Persuasiveness - Persuasion: Persuasión
Pleasant - Nice: Agradable
Poverty - Poorness: Pobreza
Prey: Presa, Cebo
Profits - Benefits: Beneficios
Quest - Search: Búsqueda
Quiet: Silencioso/Tranquilo
Quite - Fairly, Pretty, Rather: Bastante
Relief: Alivio
Research Investigation: Investigación
Researchers - Investigators: Investigadores
Response - Answer: Respuesta
Responsible for: Responsable de
Robber - Thief: Ladrón
Roles - Parts: Roles - Papeles
Rubbish - Trash: Basura
Sacred - Holy: Sagrado
Since - As: Ya que, Como
Sites - Locations: Sitios - Ubicaciones
Slow Down / Speed Up: Reducir la velocidad / Acelerar
Sort - Kind: Tipo
Source: Fuente
Spread: Expansión
Stage: Escenario
Still - Quiet: Todavía - Tranquilo
String: Cuerda, Cordón
Tidal Waves: Marejadas, Tsunamis
To Aim: Apuntar, Tener como objetivo
To Amaze - To Surprise: Sorprender
To Break into: Asaltar (una casa)
To Bury: Enterrar
To Carry Out: Llevar a cabo
To Catch on - Become Famous: Hacerse famoso
To Comb: Peinar
To Connect - To Link: Conectar, Enlazar
To Deal with - To Face: Afrontar, Tratar
To Defeat: Derrotar
To Give Up - To Surrender: Rendirse
To Go On - To Happen: Suceder
To Improve - To Get Better: Mejorar
To Lead - Led - Led: Conducir, Dirigir
To Lie: Mentir
To Look After - To Take Care: Cuidar
To Make Sense: Tener sentido
To Manage to: Apañárselas
To Manufacture - Produce: Fabricar, Producir
To Orbit - To Go Around: Orbitar, Girar alrededor de
To Pour: Verter
To Put Forward - To Suggest: Sugerir
To Remain: Permanecer
To Search for - To Look for: Buscar
To Solve - To Sort Out: Resolver
To Star: Protagonizar
To State - To Say: Afirmar
To Steal (take) Objects: Robar objetos
Tomb - Grave: Tumba
Uniqueness: Singularidad
Unlike: A diferencia de
Venom - Poison: Veneno
Victorious - Triumphant: Victorioso
Whether - If / If Not: Si / Si no
Whole - Entire: Entero, Completo
Yet - Immediately - At Once: Sin embargo - Inmediatamente, De inmediato
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