English Language Enhancement: Vocabulary and Grammar
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Essential English Vocabulary and Grammar
- Script: guió
- Access - accessible
- Anxiety - anxious
- Romance - romantic
- Succeed – Succession
- Choose – choice
- Entertain – entertainment
- Grow – growth
- Live – life
- Produce – production
- Separate – separation
- Supply –
Phrasal Verbs
- Get through à fer-se entendre, connectar (to get through à to make oneself understood, to connect)
- Get round à voltejar, molestar en fer algo (to get around à to circumvent, to bother while doing something)
- Get over à superar (to get over à to overcome)
- Get down à deprimir, cansar (to get down à to depress, to tire)
- Get away à sortir-se’n (to get away à to get away with it)
- Get into à interesar-se, ficar-se en algo (to get into à to become interested, to get involved in something)
- Single out à escollir d’un grup (to single out à to choose from a group)
Other Expressions
- Presumed à donar algo per garantit (presumed à to take something for granted)
- Taken aback à sorpres (taken aback à surprised)
- Unbidden à voluntari, no manat (unbidden à voluntary, not ordered)
- Dread à ansiós (dread à anxious)
- Work out à calcular (work out à calculate)
- Work out well à tenir bons/mals resultats (work out well à have good/bad results)
- Get worked up à become angry or upset
- Work out à fer exercici (work out à to exercise)
- Work out à plan / decide
- Work around à deal with
Grammar Points
- Recommend + something + to me
- V + obj + inf à advise, ask, remind
- V + inf à offer
- Verb + -ing à suggest, recommend, advise, deny
- V + obj + of + -ing à accuse, remind
- Despite the rain
- Although
More Expressions
- Fulfill à aprofitar (fulfill à to take advantage of)
- Make a go à sacar adelante (make a go à to make it work)
- Cope with à enfrentar-se (cope with à to face)
- Focus on à centrar-se (focus on à to focus)
- Take on à realitzar. Asumir, fer (take on à to carry out. To assume, to do)
- Aim for à marcar un objectiu (aim for à to set a goal)
- Give in à cedir (give in à to give in)
- Face up à fer front (face up à to face up to)
- Succeed in à tenir exit (succeed in à to succeed)
- Mistakenly
Opportunities, Ambitions, and Competitions
- An opportunity à give up
- An ambition à achieve, give up
- A competition à win, lose, miss
- An opponent à beat
- A target --> achieve, miss, reach
Vocabulary (Repeated)
- Script: guió
- Access - accessible
- Anxiety - anxious
- Romance - romantic
- Succeed – Succession
- Choose – choice
- Entertain – entertainment
- Grow – growth
- Live – life
- Produce – production
- Separate – separation
- Supply –
Phrasal Verbs (Repeated)
- Get through à fer-se entendre, connectar (to get through à to make oneself understood, to connect)
- Get round à voltejar, molestar en fer algo (to get around à to circumvent, to bother while doing something)
- Get over à superar (to get over à to overcome)
- Get down à deprimir, cansar (to get down à to depress, to tire)
- Get away à sortir-se’n (to get away à to get away with it)
- Get into à interesar-se, ficar-se en algo (to get into à to become interested, to get involved in something)
- Single out à escollir d’un grup (to single out à to choose from a group)
Other Expressions (Repeated)
- Presumed à donar algo per garantit (presumed à to take something for granted)
- Taken aback à sorpres (taken aback à surprised)
- Unbidden à voluntari, no manat (unbidden à voluntary, not ordered)
- Dread à ansiós (dread à anxious)
- Work out à calcular (work out à calculate)
- Work out well à tenir bons/mals resultats (work out well à have good/bad results)
- Get worked up à become angry or upset
- Work out à fer exercici (work out à to exercise)
- Work out à plan / decide
- Work around à deal with
Grammar Points (Repeated)
- Recommend + something + to me
- V + obj + inf à advise, ask, remind
- V + inf à offer
- Verb + -ing à suggest, recommend, advise, deny
- V + obj + of + -ing à accuse, remind
- Despite the rain
- Although
More Expressions (Repeated)
- Fulfill à aprofitar (fulfill à to take advantage of)
- Make a go à sacar adelante (make a go à to make it work)
- Cope with à enfrentar-se (cope with à to face)
- Focus on à centrar-se (focus on à to focus)
- Take on à realitzar. Asumir, fer (take on à to carry out. To assume, to do)
- Aim for à marcar un objectiu (aim for à to set a goal)
- Give in à cedir (give in à to give in)
- Face up à fer front (face up à to face up to)
- Succeed in à tenir exit (succeed in à to succeed)
- Mistakenly
Opportunities, Ambitions, and Competitions (Repeated)
- An opportunity à give up
- An ambition à achieve, give up
- A competition à win, lose, miss
- An opponent à beat
- A target --> achieve, miss, reach