English Idioms and Grammar: Learn Common Phrases

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To eat up – consumir, tragar-se

To give up – abandonar o rendir-se

To cut back on sth – reduir o recortar algo

To work on – treballar-hi / tratar de convencer

To turn down – rechazar

To keep up with – seguir el ritme

It isn’t everyone’s cup of tea – No a todo el mundo le gusta

To bite off more than I can chew – Morder más de lo que puedo masticar

To stuff yourself with sth – Atiborrarse de algo

It’s food for thought – algo que haria de ser pensat o tenir en compte

a broken heart – cor trencat

a heart of gold – cor d’or

a hearty meal – buena comida

from the bottom of your heart – de tot cor

good-hearted – de buen corazón

hand on heart – con la mano en el corazón

the heart of the matter – el cor del tema

To meet up – per quedar

I’ve been stood up – m’han deixat plantat

To turn up – aparèixer

To make up a story – inventar una història

It’s going on – seguir endevant

To give in: – rendir-se

To give up: – deixar de fer una cosa que no és bona

To put in their two cents – aportar el seu gra de sorra

See eye to eye with someone – estar d’acord amb algú

To say his piece – dir el que pensa

To be on the same wavelength – estar a la mateixa onda

Conditional Sentences

0: if + present simple ... present simple

If you freeze water, it turns into ice

1: if + present simple ... will/won’t + inf

If you study, you will pass the exams

2: if + past simple ... would/wouldn’t + inf

If I were (not was) rich, I would buy myself a car)

3: if + past perfect ... would/wouldn’t have + participle

If I had known you were coming, I would have baked a cake

Mixed: past perfect ... would/could/might + infinitive

If I had won the lottery, I would be rich

Mixed: Past simple/continuous ... would/could/might + have + past participle

If I were a man, they would have given me the job


as long as, unless, provided that (if), even if, in case, supposing, otherwise

Reported Speech

Present simple --> past simple

present continuous --> past continuous

Present perfect and past simple --> past perfect

Will/Can/May/Must/Have to --> Would/Could/Might/Had to

Mike asked if / whether I had seen the new Star Wars film.

Emphatic Questions

Emma texted who? (what, whoever, who on earth, what on earth)

Embedded Questions

Who knows... The question is... Could you tell me... Do you know... I wonder... I don't know...

Wish Clauses

Present situations: if only/ I wish + past simple or past continuous “if only I had more time

Past situation: if only/ i wish + past perfect simple or past continuous “If only I hadn't’ been...

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