English Grammar and Vocabulary Guide for Technology

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Amusing: divertit
Annoying: molest
Confusing: confús
Embarrassing: vergonyós
Fascinating: fascinant
Frightening: aterridor
Frustrating: frustrant
Inspiring: inspirador
Irritating: irritant
Motivating: motivador
Relaxing: relaxant
Upsetting: molest
Worrying: preocupant

Technology Actions

Browse: navegar
Charge: carregar
Mute: silenciar
Plug in: endollar
Press: prémer
Scroll: lliscar (dalt baix)
Swipe: lliscar (esquerra dreta)
Switch off: apagar
Switch on: encendre
Tap: tocar
Update: actualitzar

Other Verbs

Invite: convidar
Warn: advertir
Spread: difondre
Express: expresar
Squeeze: apretar

-ed/-ing Adjectives

-ed: el que sento (how you feel)
-ing: situació (context) (the situation)
Example: embarrassed (jo avergonyida), embarrassing (situació vergonyosa)


Past Simple

Use for a finished situation in the past.

  • Time expressions: from...to, yesterday, ago
  • Irregular verbs: Use the second column of the verb table.
  • Regular verbs: verb + -ed

Present Perfect

Use for a situation that started in the past and has consequences in the present.

  • Time expressions: since, for, already, yet, still, ever, never
  • Irregular verbs: have (I, you, we, you, they) / has (he, she, it) + past participle (3rd column of the verb table)
  • Regular verbs: have/has + verb + -ed

Past Participle of 'To Be'

I was, you were, he/she/it was, we were, you were, they were

Object Questions

Use when the question refers to the object of the action in the sentence.

  • Auxiliary verbs: do (I, you, we, you, they) / does (he, she, it) / did (past)
  • Question words: what, how much, etc.

Subject Questions

Use when the question refers to the person who does the action in the sentence.

  • Question words: who, how many, etc.

Present Perfect with 'Ever' and 'Never'

Questions: Have/Has + subject + ever/never + past participle
Example: Have you ever downloaded music from the internet?

Sentences: Subject + have/has + never/ever + past participle
Example: I have never had a problem with my mobile.

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