English Grammar and Vocabulary Guide
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Impossible: People DEFINITELY WON’T live on Mars. / Unlikely: People PROBABLY WON’T choose to have holidays in space. / IT’S UNLIKELY that the earth WILL be hit by a meteorite. / I DON’T THINK the use of smartphones WILL increase. / Possible: Food MAY become more expensive. / Tablets MIGHT replace textbooks. / IT’S POSSIBLE that everyone WILL speak English. / Likely: IT’S LIKELY that in the future we’LL import more. / The cost of mobile technology WILL PROBABLY fall. / I THINK the use of smartphones WILL increase. / Certain: The use of smartphones WILL DEFINITELY increase. / I AM SURE the use of smartphones WILL definitely increase.
Will: predictions about the future.
Might/May/Be Likely/Unlikely/Possible: degree of possibility of something in the future.
I Am Sure/I Think/I Don’t Think+(Will): how certain you are about a future event.
Cause and Effect
We closed down our factory in England. AS A CONSEQUENCE, we have managed to lower our production costs significantly. / Belinda’s quit her job BECAUSE she wants to start her own company. / DUE TO the rising price of copper, our manufacturing costs have increased. / The new law HAS LED to a reduction in crime. / The marketing campaign RESULTED IN a 5% increase in sales. / The fall in share prices in 2008 WAS THE RESULT OF the banking crisis. / The factory WILL CAUSE more pollution in the surrounding area. / We’ve recently spent more money on advertising; AS A RESULT, sales of our new mobile have risen. / The development of the business park WILL CREATE hundreds of jobs in the area. / BECAUSE OF (accompanies something, not a verb, her) / DUE TO (something) = something happens
(Cause) + AS A CONSEQUENCE/ AS A RESULT + (effect)
(Cause) + LED TO/RESULT IN/ WILL CAUSE + (effect)
(Effect) + WAS THE RESULT OF + (cause)
BECAUSE OF the fall in sales, we will need to cut our sales team.
Making Arrangements
To suggest a time:
- Are you free on (date)?
- Does (date, day, time) sound good to you?
- Is (date, day, time) convenient for you?
- Why don’t we meet (in + month / on date)?
To agree a time:
- I can make (date, day, time)
- That should be or suits me fine.
To say a time is not convenient for us:
- I can’t make (date, day, time)
- I am busy then
- I’m afraid that (date, day, time) is not good for me.
When we are waiting on a decision about a time to meet:
- As soon as possible or I know I will let you know
- I can’t confirm the (date, day, time) right now
- I will get back to you tomorrow
- Let’s pencil in (3rd September).
Other Grammar Points
GET USED + ING: Get used to studying: to get accustomed to
BE USED TO + INF: I’m used to study: I usually study.
USED TO + ING: I used to study: I used to cry.
STOP + TO + INF: Stop to do something: We stopped to have a bath.
STOP + ING: It’s stopped raining: It stopped, that's it.
THINK ABOUT + ING: I think about stopping smoking.
LOVE/LIKE/HATE/PREFER: + ING. I would like to drink. I like drinking.
IN: months/seasons/years/the afternoon or the morning.
ON: days/dates.
AT: hour/the weekend or midday/night/Christmas or Easter.