English Grammar: Passive Voice, Causative Form, and Phrasal Verbs

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Passive Voice

Present Simple

  • Buy----is/are/am bought
  • Is/are/am buying----is/are/am being bought

Past Simple

  • Bought----was/were bought
  • Was/Were buying ----was/were being bought

Present Perfect

  • Have/has bought----Have/Has been bought
  • Had bought----Had been bought

Future Simple

  • Will buy----Will be bought
  • Will be buying----will be being bought

Future Perfect

  • Will have bought----Will have been bought

Going to Future

  • Is/am/are going to buy----Is/am/are going to be bought


  • Would buy----Would be bought

Modal Verbs

  • can/could/may/might/will/would/should/must/ought to/shall buy----Can... be bought
  • Can... have bought----Can have been bought
  • Have/Has to buy----Has/Have to be bought

Impersonal Passive

  1. It+Passive verb+ That (sub sentence)
  2. Subject+ Passive verb+ to (infinitive)



Phrasal Verbs

  • -fierce: feroz, violento
  • -predators: depredadores 
  • -deadly: mortal, letal
  • -dry up: secar(se)/agotarse, consumirse
  • -wipe out: exterminar, anaquilir
  • -rare: poco común, raro
  • -native: nativo
  • -poachers: cazadores furtivos 
  • -wilderness: tierra salvaje, naturaleza
  • -prey: presa 
  • -tidy: organizar, limpiar
  • -dawn: amanecer, alba 
  • -rise: subir, alzarse, elevarse 
  • -cool down: refrescar
  • -rough: áspero, duro
  • -bushes: arbusto
  • -peak: cima, punto más alto
  • -landscape: paisaje 
  • -soil: tierra, campo
  • -tides: mareas 
  • -object: objeto/oponerse 
  • -bravery: valentía
  • -beyond: más allá de 
  • -rotten: podrido/deteriorado 
  • -admirable: admirable 
  • -trap: trampa, atrapar
  • -decline: rechazar 
  • -connect/disconnect: conectar/desconectar
  • -responsible/irresponsible: responsable/irresponsable 
  • -patient/impatient: paciente/impaciente
  • -active/inactive: activo/inactivo
  • -logical/illogical: lógico/ilógico
  • -approve/disapprove: aprobar/desaprobar 
  • -visible/invisible: visible/invisible 
  • -predictable/impredictable: predecible/impredecible 
  • -give up: rendirse 
  • -give out: repartir, distribuir 
  • -turn to: recurrir, volverse hacia 
  • -bring about: provocar, ocasionar
  • -stay up: quedarse levantado 
  • -bring forward: adelantar
  • -stay away: mantenerse alejado
  • -turn up: subir (el volumen), surgir
  • -stay over: pasar la noche, quedarse a dormir 
  • -stay on: quedarse, seguir (trabajo, estudios)
  • -turn into: convertir(se) en 
  • -turn away: rechazar, no admitir
  • -bring up: sacar (un tema), mencionar
  • -bring back: devolver a la vida, recuperar 

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