English Grammar: Conditional Sentences and Verb Tenses

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Conditional Sentences and Verb Tenses

[If / When ... simple past ..., ... simple past ...]

[... simple past... if / when ... simple past ...]

[If ... past perfect ..., ... would have + past participle ... ]

[... would have + past participle ... if ... past perfect ...]

[If / When ... simple present ..., ... simple present ...]

[... simple present ... if / when ... simple present ...]

[If ... simple past ..., ... would + verb ...]

[... would + verb ... if ... simple past ...]

[If / When ... simple present ..., ... simple future ...]

[... simple future ... if / when ... simple present ...]

[If ... simple past ..., ... would + verb ...]

[... would + verb ... if ... simple past ...]

[If ... were + present participle ..., ... would be + present participle ...]

[... would be + present participle ... if ... were + present participle ...]

[If ... were going to + verb ..., ... would be + present participle ...]

[... would be + present participle ... if ... were going to + verb ...]

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