English Grammar Cheat Sheet: Tenses, Reported Speech, and Modal Verbs

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English Grammar Cheat Sheet


Future Simple

Will + verb (future prediction, spontaneous decision, future events in a timetable)

Be Going To

Am/is/are + going to + verb (future plan, prediction based on present evidence: tomorrow, this evening, in an hour, at 7 o'clock, later, next week/month, soon, in a few minutes, in the future, on June 3rd)

Future Continuous

Will + be + verb + -ing (at this time tomorrow, next..., on Monday, in the next decade)

Future Perfect Simple

Will + have + past participle (by this time next week, by 2 o'clock, by the end of..., by then, by July, in five months)

Present Perfect Simple

Have/has + past participle (never, ever, already, just, yet, recently, lately, in recent years, for, since, How long...?)

Past Perfect Simple

Had + past participle (already, by the time, after, before, until, never, just, when, as soon as)

Present Perfect Continuous

Have/has + been + verb + -ing (for a month, year, since 2004, all night, morning, day, week, How long?)

Past Perfect Continuous

Had + been + verb + -ing (for hours, since last March, all night/morning/day/week, when, until, before)

Reported Speech (say, tell, add, admit, answer, reply, explain, observe)

  • "I am writing" - was writing
  • "I write" - I wrote
  • "I have written" - I had written
  • "I wrote" - I had written
  • "I will write" - I would write
  • "I must write" - I had to write
  • "I should write" - I should/had to write
  • "I can write" - I could write


  • Asked, wondered, wanted to know
  • "Do you live in BCN?" - She asked if I lived in Barcelona.
  • "What time is it?" - She asked what time it was.
  • "What do you study?" - He asked what I studied.
  • Ordered, advised, wanted, warned, told, offered + me to + infinitive
  • "Study!" - She ordered/told me to study.
  • "Don't leave!" - She ordered me not to leave.
  • "You should study" - She suggested/recommended studying.


  • Next year - following year
  • Here - there
  • Today/tonight - that day/night
  • Tomorrow - the following day
  • Yesterday - the day before
  • This - that
  • These - those
  • The last night - the previous night
  • Your - their
  • Now - then
  • A week/month ago - the week/month before

Modal Verbs

  • Can (ability, request, or possibility)
  • Can't (strong disbelief, prohibition)
  • Could (past of can, ability, possibility, polite request)
  • Be able to (ability, possibility)
  • Must (obligation, strong belief)
  • Mustn't (prohibition)
  • Have to/need to (necessity, obligation)
  • Don't have to/needn't (lack of necessity - not necessary)
  • Should/ought to (advice)
  • May/might (possibility)
  • May (polite requests, permission - "May I..."?)

Modal Perfects

  • Should have (regret after an event)
  • Could have (you could have done it, but you didn't)
  • Couldn't have (certainty that something is not true)
  • May/might have (possibility that something is true)
  • Must have (certainty that something is true)
  • Would have (could have flown with that airline, but didn't)


  • Should = ought to
  • Able to = could
  • Could = can = may/might
  • Need to = have to

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