English Grammar Cheat Sheet

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Reported Speech

Pres. (I said "I go to London")Pas. (He said that he went to London)
Pres. C. (He said "I'm going...")Pas. C. (...he was going...)
Pas. (He said "I went to London")Pas. Perf. (...he had gone...)
Pas. C. (He said "I was going...")Pas. Perf. C. (...he had been going...)
Pres. Perf. (He said "I have gone...")Pas. Perf. (...he had gone...)
Fut. (He said "I will go...")Cond. (...he would go...)
Pas. Perf.Pas. Perf.

Today - that/that day/tomorrow - the following day/yesterday - the day before/here - there/this - that/these - those.


  • If present / future (will, is/are going to)
  • If past / conditional (would/could)
  • If past perfect / conditional perfect (would + have + past participle)

Passive Voice

Presentto be + past participle
Present Continuousto be + being + past participle
Past Simplewas/were + past participle
Past Continuouswas/were + being + past participle
Present Perfecthave/has + been + past participle
Past Perfecthad + been + past participle
Futurewill + be + past participle
Conditionalwould/should/could + be + past participle

Relative Pronouns

who (people), which (things), whose + name (whose...), where (where), when (when)

Modal Verbs

Can/could (permission, ability), may/might (probability), mustn't/can't (prohibition), have to/must/need (obligation), be able to (to be able to), should/ought to (advice, deduction, should)

Verb Tenses

  • Pres. S. (usually, normally, often, always, every)
  • Pres. C. (now, at the moment, today)
  • Pas. S. (yesterday, ago, the last...)
  • Pas. C. (while, when, as soon as)
  • Pres. Perf. (just, ever, already, never, how often?, yet, still)
  • Fut. (next, tomorrow, on + date)
  • Preposition (e.g., to) + -ing
  • At the beginning of a sentence: -ing

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