Emergency Medications Overview

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Generic & TradeUsage IndicationsContraindicationsDosageAdministrationActionsSide Effects


Trade: N/A

SPO2 <94%

Unknown O2 Level w/ med condition leading to hypoxia

Pt w/ pos hypoxia, shock, poor perfusion, or heart failure

Pt's with unfavourable ventilation(Lung damage)

Med Pt: Administer O2 at 2lpm via NC and titrate until is SPO2 >94% or at 15lpm via NRB if pt shows hypoxia

Trauma Pt: High flow O2 to maintain >95%. Typically 15lpm via NRB.

Either: If a Bag-Valve vent is required, Highflow O2

Airway either orally, nasally, or through an advanced airwayIncreasing O2 saturation within the bloodstream and bodyDry/Bloody Nose, Tiredness, headaches

Oral Glucose

Trade: Glutose, Insta-Glucose

PMH of diabetes or BGL <70mg/dL*Inability to swallow, *BGL>70mg/dL

Small amounts PO


Orally (PO)Raising of Pt's BGLNo Side effects, Possible airway obstruction if too much is administered

Activated Charcoal

Trade: SuperChar, InstaChar, Actidose, Liquichar

Adsorption of ingested poison or harmful chemicals

*Has an AMS

*Swallowed acids or alkalis

*Unable to swallow

*OD on cyanide


Adult ~30-100g


Orally(PO)Adsorption of poisons within the stomach, prevents absorption into bodyBlackening of stools, pos vomiting


Trade: Nitrostat(Tablet), Nitrolingual Spray(Spray)

Chest pain

*Systolic Bp <90mmHg or decreased >30mmHg from baseline

*HR <50bpm or >100bpm

*Head Injury

*Infant or Child

*Admin. of ED meds within 24hrs

1 Tablet or spray(0.3mg or 0.4mg)

Admin 1 every 3-5min if no relief and no contraindication

Max of 3 doses

Sublingual via tablet or spray

*Dialates blood vessels

*Decreases workload of the heart

*decreases cardiac oxygen demand


*Drop in BP

*Changes in HR


Trade: Adrenalin EpiPen, Auvi-Q auto-injectors

Pt presents w/ skin & mucosal signs, Respo distress, poor perfusionN/A

Adult: 0.3mg

Infant: 0.15mg

IM Injection

*Constriction of Blood Vessels

*Relaxation of smooth muscles in bronchioles

*Increase of HR

*Increased HR

*Pale Skin


*Chest Pain


*Nausea and vommiting

*Excitability and anxiousness


Trade: Proventil, Ventolin, ProAir, AccuNeb, VoSpire

Pt presents w/ s/s of respiratory distress

*Not responsive enough

*Not prescribed or not in protocols

*No med direction

*Pt has taken max doses pre-arrival

Pre-dosed per prescription or via med directionOrally via MDI or SVNdilation of bronchial smooth muscles


*Tremors, Shakiness


*Dry mouth

*Nausea, vomiting


Trade: Bayer aspirin, Easprin, Ecotrin, Empirin, Ascriptin, Bufferin, Buffex

Pt has chest pain or discomfortPt has a hypersensitivity

160-325 mg


*Decrease of clotting

*Stomach irritation, heartburn, N/V


Narcan, Narcan Nasal Spray, EVZIO

Pt is suspected of opioid intoxication w/ CNS depression, respiratory depression, hypotension, bradycardiaKnown hypersensitivity


IN: 2mg or 1mg/nostril via MAD

IV, IM, IN, s.c*reversal of receptor actions of the opioid

*Acute opioid withdrawl

*Increased BP


*Musculoskeletal pain

*Nasal dryness, edema,congestion or inflammation

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