Document Management: Types, Systems, and Media
Classified in Technology
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A file is a set of ordered documents that are related by some circumstance or event. It is essential for a company to have a file, that is to sort and classify documentation in a particular way.
Why Document Management is Important
- It allows to keep, store, and safeguard information
- Information can be easily and quickly found
- To comply with the law
- It can help in the decision-making process
Types of Files
- Active: Documents that are currently being used and queried
- Semi-active: Documents no longer effective but kept for legal reasons
- Inactive: Documents not valid but with a historical or documentary value
File Systems
The file system is the criterion used for ordering information.
- Alphabetical: Information classified in the order of the alphabet. The ordering word is the keyword that we will use as a reference to sort alphabetically.
- Numerical: Information or document is assigned a number to be sorted
- Alphanumerical: Information classified using letters and numbers
- Chronological: Information classified according to the date of the document
- Geographical: Information classified according to geographical locations associated with them
- Thematic: Documents are grouped according to the subject or topic they refer to.
File Media
Information is not a document until it is recorded on a material medium that allows us to check it and/or review it. Therefore, we can have paper and electronic media.
It has been the most common filing media, but it is being replaced by digital media.
- It can be easily damaged
- It takes a large space for storage
- It is not environmentally friendly
Companies are responsibly practicing the three Rs: recycle, reduce, and reuse.
Electronic or Digital Media
- It saves costs
- It is easier for audit processes
- It is more secure and less likely to be falsified
- It is quick and efficient
- It does not need storage space
- It is reusable
The most used digital media are:
- Magnetic tapes: Only used nowadays by some companies to perform backups
- Hard drive: It has a high storage capacity
- DVD: It has more storage capacity than a CD-ROM
- Blu-Ray: It stores up to five times more than a normal DVD
- Pen drive/flash drive: It is a portable storage device
- Cloud storage: It stores information on a network platform to be accessed from anywhere
- Memory cards
- Holographic technology: It uses laser to store computer-generated data in three dimensions
Conversion of data information from analog to digital.