- "You say you want to die for love, but you know nothing of death, and know nothing of love

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The comedies: The Comedy of Errors (1593), The Taming of The Shrew (1594), The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1595), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1595), Love’s Labor’s Lost (1594), The Merchant of Venice (1596), As You Like It (1600), Much Ado About Nothing (1598), Twelfth Night (1601),The Merry Wives Of Windsor (1600), All’s Well That Ends Well (1602), Measure for Measure (1604).

The Tragedies: Titus Andronicus (1594), Romeo and Juliet (1594), Hamlet (1601), Troilus and Cressida (1602), Othello(1604), King Lear (1605), Macbeth (1605), Timon of Athens (1607), Anthony and Cleopatra (1606),Coriolanus(1606).

The histories:  The First Part of King Henry VI (1591-92), The Second Part of King Henry VI (1591-92), The Third Part of King Henry VI (1591-92), The Tragedy of King Richard III (1593), The Life and Death of King John (1595), The Tragedy of King Richard II (1596), The First Part of King Henry IV (1597), The Second Part of King Henry IV (1598), The Life of King Henry V (1599),The Life of King Henry VIII. (1613 – sin terminar).

The Romances: Pericles(1608), Cymbeline (1609), The Winter’s Tale (1610),The Tempest (1611).

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