A Deep Dive into the Talmud Yerushalmi: History, Structure, and Linguistic Features

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A Deep Dive into the Talmud Yerushalmi

History and Compilation

When was the Talmud Yerushalmi compiled?

According to the Rambam, it was compiled 300 years after the destruction of the Second Temple.

Does the Ravad agree with the Rambam's timeline?

No, the Ravad's calculation is that it was compiled 200 years after the destruction.

Who was Rabbi Yochanan, and how is he referred to in the Yerushalmi?

Rabbi Yochanan, also known as Bar Nafcha (son of the blacksmith) or Ben Hanefach in the Yerushalmi, was a key figure in its redaction. He was the brother-in-law of Reish Lakish.

Who else did Rabbi Yochanan learn from?

He studied under Rabbi Hoshea, Rabbi Abba, Rabbi Yannai, and Rabbi Chanina in Caesarea.

What does it mean that Rabbi Yochanan"compose" the Yerushalmi and Rabbi Ashi"compose" the Talmud Bavli?

This means that they both initiated and established the foundation for these texts to be written and published.

Structure of the Talmud Yerushalmi

Which four orders of the Yerushalmi do we possess today?

  • Zeraim
  • Moed
  • Nashim
  • Nezikin

Which parts are missing?

We are missing Seder Kodashim and Seder Taharot, as well as select tractates from Shabbat, Makkot, and Niddah.

Linguistic Features of the Talmud Yerushalmi

Proper Names

Many proper names that end with the letter "א" in the Babylonian Talmud (Talmud Bavli) end with the letter "ה" in the Yerushalmi.


  • Akiva (Bavli) - Akivah (Yerushalmi)
  • Chaya (Bavli) - Chayah (Yerushalmi)
  • Oshaya (Bavli) - Hoshea (Yerushalmi)
  • Yehuda (Bavli) - Yehuda (Yerushalmi)

Interchangeable Letters

The letters "א", "ה", "ח", and "ע" often seem to be interchangeable in the Yerushalmi.


  • Chivya - Evya
  • Eichan - Heichan

Adjacent Words

The Yerushalmi frequently features two adjacent words.


  • Av mari - Av mari
  • Rav ashi - Rav shi
  • Rav ami - Rav mi

Contractions in the Talmud Bavli

The Talmud Bavli also uses contractions.


  • Rafram - Rav Efraim
  • Ravina - Rav Avina
  • Ravin - Rav Abin
  • Rami - Rav Ami

The Enigmatic Nature of the Talmud Yerushalmi

Was the Yerushalmi intentionally written in enigmas?

Some scholars believe so.

Why would the sages express themselves in an enigmatic manner?

One theory is that this was intended to instill a love of Torah in their students. By making the text challenging, it encouraged deeper engagement and a greater appreciation for the effort required to understand its wisdom.

Can you provide an example of an enigma found in the language of the Sages in Masechet Maaser Sheni?

This question requires further research within the text itself.

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