Cultural Differences: Dimensions and Examples
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Cultural Dimensions and Their Impact
High and Low Power Distance Index (PDI) Examples
- German Discussion & Beer: Germans tend to have strong opinions.
- Boss in Malaysia: The boss is apparently always right.
- Information is power: Characteristic of High PDI.
- The communication flow: Characteristic of Low PDI.
- Respect, power: Characteristic of Low PDI.
- People may: Characteristic of Low PDI.
- Avoid anything: Characteristic of Low PDI.
- Promotion may: Characteristic of High PDI.
- Managers: Characteristic of High PDI.
- Seeing: Characteristic of Low PDI.
- Your work: Characteristic of High PDI.
Individualism vs. Collectivism (IDV) Examples
- Praise and reward: Characteristic of High IDV.
- Focus on relationship: Characteristic of High IDV.
- People will: Characteristic of High IDV.
- Take responsibility: Characteristic of High IDV.
- Lifetime: Characteristic of High IDV.
- Taking individual: Characteristic of High IDV.
- Your colleagues: Characteristic of Low IDV.
- People may strive: Characteristic of Low IDV.
- When making: Characteristic of Low IDV.
Masculinity vs. Femininity (MAS) Examples
- Recognition of: Characteristic of High MAS.
- MBE (Management by Exception): Low PDI, High IDV, High MAS, Low UAI.
- MBO (Management by Objectives): Low PDI, High IDV, High MAS, Low UAI.
- Examples MBO: USA/UK.
- Management: Sweden, Norway.
Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) Examples
- Sweden: No strict systems tend.
- Singapore low in UAI: It is a contradiction from a Western point of view.
- You may have: Characteristic of High UAI.
- Have a structured: Characteristic of High UAI.
- Ensure consistency: Characteristic of High UAI.
- Your students: Characteristic of High UAI.
- Don't ask: Characteristic of Low UAI.
- Be more willing: Characteristic of Low UAI.
- Being flexible: Characteristic of Low UAI.
Long-Term Orientation vs. Short-Term Orientation (LTO) Examples
- If Allah wants: It is the flip.
- Asian Pacific score high: In LTO.
- Being thrifty: Characteristic of High LTO.
- Truth may: Characteristic of High LTO.
- People may think: Characteristic of High LTO.
- Generalist: Characteristic of High LTO.
- People have an: Characteristic of Low LTO.
Indulgence vs. Restraint (IVR) Examples
- Expect need: Characteristic of High IVR.
- Communication: Characteristic of High IVR.
Cultural Observations Across Different Countries
- Greece: Negative feedback creates trust.
- Foreign Dutch degree of freedom: In the Netherlands.
- Chinese and Japanese analysis: They have a pragmatic culture.
- Japanese diplomat: The Japanese are sense-oriented.
- Anglo Saxons: They have less authority.
- Americans HQ: Wrong, Americans.
- English medical doctor: They are afraid.
- Dutch sales: They did not know the successor.
- In Oslo: Maternity leave.
- Spaniards bullfight: It is a way to.
- Divorce rate Italy: A divorce is.
- Italians keep their mobile: They are only called.
- American management: To German rules.
- Belgians joke Dutch: The Dutch are normally.
- Participative Management: Low PDI, High IDV, Low MAS, Low UAI.
Levels of Culture: Pyramid and Onion Models
Pyramid Model:
- Individual: Inherited and learned.
- Collective by group: Learned (Culture).
- Common to all mankind: Inherited.
- "Group" examples: Nation, profession, organization, family.
Onion Model (Cebolla):
- Symbols: Words, gestures, images.
- Heroes: Role models of society (alive or dead, fictional or real), cartoon figures, founders, discoverers.
- Rituals: Greetings, meetings, religion.
- Values: Core beliefs.
Organizational Culture Types
- Solar System Countries: Germany, China.
- Family Countries: Italy, India.
- Contest Countries: USA, China.