Crafting Effective Market Research Reports
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Market Research Report Structure
A market research report is a written or oral presentation that conveys research, results, conclusions, and recommendations to the client. Decisions are made based on this report, so it's crucial that the audience understands the results and their implications. This also helps build credibility.
Report Elements
A. Front Matter
- Title Page: Includes the report's purpose and content, the title, the organization or person for whom the report is intended, the organization or person who prepared the report, and the date of submission.
- Letter of Authorization: Certification to conduct the project.
- Letter/Memo of Transmittal: Orients the reader and creates a positive impression.
- Table of Contents: Helps locate information within the report.
- List of Illustrations: Helps locate tables and figures.
- Abstract/Executive Summary: Provides a summary of useful information, including conclusions and recommendations.
B. Body
- Introduction: Orients the reader, including a statement of general purpose and specific objectives.
- Research Objectives: States the problem and serves as a framework for organizing the results section.
- Methodology: Describes how the research was conducted, including who or what the subjects were, and the tools or methods used to achieve the objectives.
- Results: Presents the findings of the research.
- Limitations: Reports any limitations of the research.
- Conclusion: Presents the outcomes and decisions reached based on the research results. Includes recommendations on how to proceed based on the conclusions.
C. End Matter
- Appendices: Includes additional information that is not essential to the main body of the report.
- Endnotes: Provides supplementary information.
Visual Aids
Tables: Compare numerical data.
Pie Charts: Illustrate sizes or proportions.
Bar Charts: Report the magnitude of responses, compare magnitudes, and illustrate change over time.
Line Graphs: Show trends and changes over time.
Flow Diagrams: Illustrate the relationship between topics.
Presentation Tips
- Identify and analyze your audience.
- Determine the audience's expectations.
- Determine key points.
- Outline key points.
- Ensure a cohesive report structure.
- Present points clearly.
- Plan your time.
- Make sure visuals graphically portray your key points.
- End with a summary that leaves a strong final impression.
- Practice your presentation.
- Check the room and media beforehand.
- Arrive early.
- Be positive and confident.
- Speak loudly.
- Look engaged.
- Dress appropriately.
Disseminating Results
Dashboards: Provide digital interfaces that allow users to quickly and easily see information presented in a simplified manner.