I is correct ii is correct
Classified in Social sciences
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Empirical sciences divided in natural and social sciences characterize physical and social system, respectively, using empirical methods. And empirical method involves the use of objective, quantitative observation in a systematically controlled, replicable situation, in order to test or refine a theory. Natural science is a branch of science concerned with the description, prediction and understanding of natural phenomena, based on empirical evidence from observation and experimentation. Hypothetical-deductive method we already know for it is the meanly used method in natural sciences Social science begins in the Age of Enlightenment which saw a revolution within natural philosophy changing the basic framework to understand what science is. Social science is a category of academic disciplines concerned with society, and the relationships among individuals within a society. The social sciences includes different branches such as anthropology, archaeology.... In short the social sciences consists of the scientific study of the human aspects of the world. The scientific method Is a process for experimentation that is used to explore observations and answer questions, some areas of science can be more easily tested than other. The hypothetico-deductive method is proposed description of scientific method. According to it, scientific inquiry starts by formulating an hypothesis which is a probable solution for a previously proposed problem based on empirical observation. In order to find out if the hypothesis is an accurate one, experiments have to be carried out. It’s possible that the test outcomes run for, or against to the hypothesis If the outcome corroborates the hypothesis we will be in front of a correct solution for our problem.