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SCHISMSchism is the split in the Church, this happen Because the French pope and the Italian pope declared each other to be a false Pope.The great schism diminished the power of the church because the popes were in a conflict, so that makes that the popes are Not organized to combat the bubonic plague. For example, they lost so many People because they weren’t organized to help others. In conclusion the great Schism diminished the power of the church because popes were in a conflict, This problem don’t help others to survive.
INQUISITIONThe Catholic church was worried, so, they Founded the Inquisition. The Inquisition were those priests whose job it was to Find and punish anyone who was against the church or working with the devil. Inquisition Could place people under arrest and question them using torture to get them to Confess to heresy.Heretic: people who worked against the church, Heresy: Any action or speech against the church.
CATHOLICRevival Movement WITHIN the Catholic Church Spurred by the attacks of the Protestant Reformation. There were many Catholics Who wanted to see Church practices cleaned up but wanted to remain faithful to The Church. These Catholic reformers created new orders of monks (Jesuits); new Lay movements to foster piety; and called for a study of doctrinal reforms (Council of Trent). WARNING: do not confuse the Catholic Reformation with the Protestant Reformation.
PROTESTANTProtestantism Came from the word protestant, a Protestant is a person that belong to non-Catholic churches. For example the Princes who supported Luther were Protestants, therefore Protestantism was the “religion“ followed by people who belonged to non-Catholic churches.
3 branches of Protestantism emerge at first.Lutheranism: based on the teachings of Martin Luther in Germany, Calvinism: based on the teachings of John Calvin in Switzerland, Anglicanism: established by King Henry VIII in England.
FEUDALISMSystem in which people were given land and Protection by people of higher rank, and worked and fought for them in return
3 social classes: Nobbles and knights, Men and women, Peasants
ITALYRenaissance man: was a type of accomplished person, Renaissance woman: were not expected to create art and patrons of artists.Italy’s cities help in the birth of renaissance Because, as the bubonic plague came the people taking used of the new ideas, Decided to take interests in new subjects as arts.Church leaders and wealthy people invested on Arts, to appoint in which inventors like this have the names of patrons they Asked for formed of them which normally are the new army or of Jesus which are The church patrons they did this showing how healthy they are.Renaissance was a period were artistic ideas Developed. One of the key elements of this movement was humanism that focused On the concept of human life and its daily situations.
ENGLAND & FRANCE DEVELOPWilliam the conqueror begin the unification of England by doing a battle, William granted their lands to about 200 Norman Lords who swore paths of loyalty to him personally.Different invasions changed the culture of England because of the variety of traditions they brought to their territory. In the case of Christian traditions, England received influence of the previous Roman invaders and the recent Norman settlers that arrived with William the Conqueror. Example, construction of churches and the formation of religious.Juries and common law were important for the Consolidation of England because it bring rules to be organized and solve Cases.
NORTH EUROPE German: German artist Albrecht Dürer, he produce Woodcuts and engravings, he learn from Hans Holbein and emigrate to England Where he painted portraits to King Henry VIII and other member of the English Royal family.Dutch and Flemish: represents the 16th-century Response to Italian Renaissance art in the Low Countries and establish new Subjects such as landscape painting and genre painting.