Computer System Components and Features

Classified in Computers

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Computer System Components and Definitions

Perform = realizar || Word processor = procesador de textos || Built-in = incorporado || Store = tienda || Financial = financiero

Keep, save = mantener, guardar || Execute, do = ejecutar, hacer || Monetary = monetario || Connected to the internet = conectado a internet || Program used for text manipulation = programa para manipular texto || Copy files from a server to your PC or mobile = copiar archivos de un servidor a PC o móvil

Perform operations = realizar operaciones || Do research = hacer la investigación || Carry out transactions = llevar a cabo transacciones

Monitor = monitor || Keyboard = teclado || Printer = impresora || Scanner = escáner || Speakers = altavoces || Fan = ventilador || Processor = procesador || Screen = pantalla

Slot = ranura || Motherboard = tarjeta madre || Key = tecla || USB port = puerto USB || Hard drive = disco duro

Software, Hardware, and Memory

Software = programs which can be used on a particular computer system. || Peripherals = input devices attached to the CPU || Main memory = sections that hold programs and data while they are executed or processed. || Hard drive = magnetic device used to store information || Hardware = physical parts that make up a computer system. || Input = the information which is presented to the computer || Ports = sockets into which an external device may be connected || Output = results produced by a computer || Central processing unit = the brain of the computer

My Computer System

My ideal computer system is Windows 7. It is very fast, and the memory has a lot of capacity. It also has wireless connectivity so I can search for information for my studies. And my computer has a very big monitor.

Laptop Recommendation

I recommend a notebook because you can play games and work with graphics. Notebooks have internet access and integrated Bluetooth and modem. They use Intel Core 2 Duo and 1024 MB and 100GB serial ATA. And you can use Windows Vista Home Premium.

Laptops vs. Desktop PCs

I know that you are considering replacing all of the office PCs with laptops. I have a laptop, and it has more benefits. The laptop is a portable computer; you can carry this computer to work and then to your home for finishing your work. The laptop is small and comfortable and is new too because the laptop hasn't got a CPU, mouse, and printer, but you can connect these objects. The desktop PC is most suitable for home, but it is bigger and is not portable. You must think of these benefits. See you soon.

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